Hi, I’m making a nuclear airstrike tool. Basically what I’ve done, is managed to make the nuclear warhead drop and explode. My only issue is the damage on touch with the expanding nuclear explosion. Here’s the main script with issues:
local impactFrame2 = require(game.Workspace.ImpactFrames) impactFrame2:CreateAlternating(0.2,0.05) --create impact2
local dmgTween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.CurrentDmgAmount, TweenInfo.new(1), {Value = 1})
dmgTween:Play() --as the fireball expands, lower damage amount on hit
local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") --find humanoid
if hum and hum.Parent.IsRagdoll.Value == false and script.Parent.Name == "chezNukeBLAST" then --makes sure the player can't be hit more than once, and make sure the fireball is the actual damage dealing fireball, since another script creates 2 other delayed fireballs for visuals.
print(hit.Parent.Name) --debug
local plrFound = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) --attempt to find the player from the character
game.ReplicatedStorage.cueCheeseNukeClientFX:FireClient(plrFound) -- cue the flashbang effect with the remote event
if script.Parent.protectedChar.Value ~= hit.Parent then --make sure the player that was hit is not the ability user.
hum:TakeDamage(script.Parent.CurrentDmgAmount.Value) --deal the damage to the victim
hum.Parent.IsRagdoll.Value = true --temporaily ragdoll the victim so they can't get hit again
hum.Parent.IsRagdoll.Value = false
errors im getting:
22:18:08.310 Workspace.chezNUKEBLAST.MAIN:11: attempt to index nil with 'FindFirstChild' - Server - MAIN:11
any help appreciated!