Error with Rope

Hello, Im trying to script and make a like a rope between part and its just disconnecting

Here is a video:

Put in the script that the rope can only move in just 1 angle if you want it to move X Angle then put the angle in the script and Block the other angles so it won’t do that. And check if it’s anchored so you will see.

I tried this script but it’s still not working

	while true do
		script.Parent.Position =,9.55,script.Parent.Position.Z)

I see that the object that disconnects is not the rope, but the part. Is that correct?

If that’s the case, then I believe it has something to do with Roblox’s physics because I see that the little long part would not be able to sustain the weight of your moving part.

Put the Position here “” to specify the position

while true do
script.Parent.Position = = “X” 9.55,script.Parent.Position = “Z”)

Yes, The part is disconnecting.

Yeah, if that’s the case I don’t believe that’s a scripting issue, rather a building one.

Do you know how i should fix that???

Probably make the long part wider because now it is too thin, and you can also mess with the Custom Physical Properties aspect of it. For example, changing its density.

Okay Thanks. Have a good day.


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