Error Within the Topology of Skinned Mesh Masculine Avatars

When using the new Roblox bundles listed below, they have errors within the topology where the left eye is opened compared to the right side of the face. This can be seen in the Roblox Studio application.

Affected Bundles:

The following bundles are affected by this issue:

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Roblox Studio.
  2. Create a new Baseplate or open an existing one.
  3. Navigate to the Avatar section located above the screen.
  4. Select “Rig Builder.”
  5. Choose your avatar or use the Skinned Meshes for a quick importation.
  6. Ensure that the Rig Type is set to R15 and you selected the Body Type as Masculine.
  7. Wear any of the affected bundles mentioned above.
  8. Observe the size of the eyes.

Expected Behavior

When wearing the Roblox bundles, the sizes of the eyes be consistent and proportionate across all bundles. They should match the intended design and provide a visually pleasing appearance.

Actual Behavior

Upon wearing the affected bundles, the sizes of the eyes do not match both sides of the head. The sizes are inconsistent, leading to a bad topology of the bundle.

Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-04-04 17:55:00 (UTC-3)
Date Last Experienced: Current Date


@CalGamesDev Pinging you as you requested after creating a new topic based on a different bug.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The team is looking into why the Rig Builder is resulting in different skinning than the live bundles themselves. We will follow up once we have a timeline for that fix.


Hey @RBLXImagineer!

There are 3 days to wrap and complete a month and I am curious if the team has been able to investigate and find a solution! :smile:

Hey @JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX,

Thank you for your patience. This issue with mismatched eye sizes has been fixed.


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