I am trying to count the number of Keys in a certain DataStore and then perform an operation, but I only succeed if there are for example 6000 Keys, and then I have errors, I would love to know how I can fix it.
1: DataStoreService: ListKeysAsyncThrottle: ListKeysAsync request dropped. Request was throttled. API: DataStoreKeyPages_AdvanceToNextPageAsync, Data Store: PlayerData
2: ListKeysAsyncThrottle: ListKeysAsync request dropped. Request was throttled.
You can check DataStore request limits with game.DataStoreService :GetRequestBudgetForRequestType(Enum.DataStoreRequestType.ListAsync). Unfortunately, ListAsync functions have a limit of 126 requests (per min i think).
Add some delays in your code to make sure you aren’t passing this limit, or make an error handling function to wait a minute after you receive that error.
I added that when I get this error, it will wait 60 seconds before making the next request, but I just keep getting this error and counting 60 seconds again.