Errors in-game not roblox studio

Hello, so i’ve already made a topic on this issue but the resolutions people sent me didn’t work, so i’m making a game and when i play-test it in roblox studio everythings fine, everything works. But when i play the game it just doesn’t work. i get stuff like “ammo isn’t valid member of x” “infinite yield on x” and other stuff, how do i fix this???


In any LocalScripts, if there is an asset necessary for the game to run, you should use WaitForChild(). The Infinite Yield error fires after 5 seconds of waiting, it doesn’t mean that the asset can’t load after that.

i still get that the ammo isn’t a valid member of the tool.

Can you send the code you get that error from?

bro i got no idea why but suddenly my scrips started working bruh, roblox is just such a buggy game.

Yeah, probably just a server bug. I get those too sometimes. Glad it works.