Errors in the game logs "do not run what you just ran (vulnerable function)"

Recently I am getting errors in the game logs from live servers, containing the text
"do not run what you just ran (vulnerable function)” at rows where in Local scripts (belonging to my game) is called
MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, passId)
MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(player, productId)
On the given rows in the code there is nothing else, only the calls to the 2 methods above.


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This is not a Roblox made error but something outputted by some crappy exploits. Feel free to report and ban any users you see these logs from.


Hey @mooonc0w

Could you please send this issue/exploit to the HackerOne program?

As here is pretty exposed to others and the people working under that program can help you more with the situation!

Thank you!

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