Eshian Religion

This is an official document of the Knights of the Sun Roblox group.

This document is about the main religion of most Eshians.

The religion practiced by most Eshians is called Medularism, or the followers of the middle star in ancient Eshian. This name comes from the belief that Nyrissian, the Sun God, is the king of gods and rules over all things in some way.

The Eshian Pantheon
Eshians are polytheist (believers in multiple gods). Eshians believe in the elemental gods, such as the Lightning God or the Tidal God. Here is a list of the main gods worshipped:

  • Nyrissian: The Sun God. He is said to have been worshipped all the way back in the Oshian era before the great war. Back thousands of years ago the land of Oshia was cold, harsh, not habitable and many of those who were there struggled to live; in a sense, they truly did not have life. That was until Nyrissian came into the world and saw how horrible it was. With his great power he gave Oshians warmth, life, and most importantly… Suraa. With the newfound support the people Oshia began creating the famed empire in the sky. Nyrissian is known to be powerful, funny, and courageous. Although he is supposedly the strongest of the gods, he is still very foolish sometimes and jokes around quite a bit. He is the watcher of war, battle, empires, and kings.

  • Flamma: The Flame Goddess. Flamma appeared a few thousand years after Nyrissian in an era in the religion referred to as The Finding. Fire itself is not seen as a sacred thing; however blue fire is. This is because of a tale told by the famous Oshian Poet Simpsonian called the Peregrination. The Peregrination told of a young man who wanted to become the king of a far-off land, and to do so he befriended a rare blue fire. Flamma has been known to be generous, caring, and extremely loyal. She is the watcher of faith, siblingship, and cooking.

  • Maron: The Tidal God. Maron was first worshipped only a few years after Nyrissian. Maron is the brother of Flamma, even though he was worshipped far before she was. In the Peregrination Maron helps Flamma and the future-king to cross a dangerous shoot of sea. He also is the one who brought water to Oshia. He is the watcher of the ocean, sailing, sea beasts, and fishing.

  • Fulgi: The Lightning God. Fulgi was also first worshipped in The Finding. Fulgi is a playful god who plays pranks on his worshippers and fellow gods. But he is also very strong and helps in many battles that the gods have. It is said that lightning happens because of two possible things. The first reason is because he is trying to pop up and scare one of his fellow gods. This lightning is the Heat-Lightning that happens on hot days. The second reason is that there is a large battle happening in the heavens. This lightning is the type that appears in storms. Because of his playful nature he and Nyrissian are very good friends and are practically brothers. He is the watcher of poets, jokers, battles (there can be multiple watchers for a certain thing), and war cries.

  • Brujo The God of Earth and Battle: Brujo was first worshipped around when Nyrissian came to Oshia. This is because when the Oshians were still setting up their kingdom they still had to deal with many attackers from other lands. In one battle where the Oshians were horribly losing the ground shook and an earthquake destroyed the opposing army. Not a single Oshian warrior died that day from the earthquake. (Many still died from the battle before the earthquake happened). Apart from fighting, Brujo is a gardener. Brujo is the watcher of battles, and farming/farmers.

  • Vita and Mortus The Goddess of Life and the God of Death. Vita (the goddess of life) and Mortus (the god of death) are brother and sister. They were first worshipped directly after Nyrissian came. This is because Nyrissian believed their should be an order to things, thus he brough life and death into the world. There is no tale that they have been included in. Vita is the watcher of children, happiness and animals. Mortus is the watcher of burials, the old and sadness.

  • Eligen The God of Choosing. Eligen is a cousin to both Vita and Mortus. He came around at the same time as they did. Eligen looks through a mortal’s life and decided whether he is truly good or evil. He is the watcher of the dead. (The dead is different from death itself.)

These are the most important gods and goddesses. There are more such as the God of Wealth, The God of Forging, The Goddess of Love, and many others. The gods live up in the heavens.

Death And The Afterlife
When one dies, their soul will travel to the house of Eligen, where it will have dinner with Eligen. After dinner the soul is read by the god and his fate is decided. If the soul did good things during its life he will be sent to Caelum; the paradise where all good things reside. However, if the soul did evil things in its life then it will be sent down to Tarnis, the fire realm where all evil things live.

Eligen’s choice is relative for all souls. For example: if someone had done evil things his whole life but he had searched through himself and found that they truly were what he thought were good, (If he truly believed they were correct. This means if he happened to have a warped vision of the world,
or if he was not fit to understand) then he might have a chance at Caelum. But if someone who only said what he was doing was right, even if he knew it was wrong, he would be condemned. Eligen’s choice is never wrong. You will go where you want to go. If you want to be evil, then you will go to Tarnis, and vice-versa.

Evil Ones
There are many evil beings in the world, such as The King Of Tarnis who is where all evil stems from. They are worshipped by some, but those who worship them are usually condemned.

The Final Battle
At the end of time there will be one final battle between good and evil. Everyone who has ever died will come back for one final fight. Those who went to Caelum will fight with Nyrissian, and those who went to Tarnis will fight with the evil king. Gods versus demons; good versus evil. We do not know how it will end, but we do know that if the battle is lost… by the grace of Nyrissian and his fellow gods there will be a second chance, even if the world restarts and all of time is reversed, there will always be a chance.

:warning:Please don’t actually worship these gods. I just made them right now.:warning: