Staff Rules and policys
- When in game always use :god me
- When in game do :chat me and go to the admin chat.
- When someone uses !help you track them (more suggested way.)
- Jail someone when there is a scene
- when there is a scene tell everyone to back away except for staff, culprits and someone that will help you (bystander)
- When there is a scene :pm a staff member that was on the scene before you or talk in the admin chat :chat me
- Be nice to all members
- Don’t AA (Admin Abuse)
- Don’t MA (Mod Abuse)
- Don’t bully members
- Don’t use rude language
Able to warn for
!help abuse
tool abuse
Horn Abuse
siren abuse
rude to staff
not in the right team (not allowed to be in staff team unless staff and not allowed to be in FBI team without being in the FBI Group
Killing staff
Offenses Punishment
1st offence - warn
2nd offence - warn
3rd offence - warn
4th offence - kick
5th offence - 12 hour ban
6th offence - 20 hour ban
7th offence - 40 day ban
8th offence - 70 day ban
9th offence - 360 day ban
10th offence - perm ban