Essential Admin Commands

What is this?

This is a simple admin system module that is used for administrating your game. Add custom admin commands with ease. The system is fairly easy to use for non-scripters.

If you see a way to improve this system, then feel free to let me know!


How do I use this?

Enable (Studio Access to API Services / Datastores) in the Game Settings. Require the module from the Server and is necessary to work.

How do I find my own UserId?

Go to your Roblox profile. Look at the URL and you will see numbers. All of those numbers are your UserId.


How to add admins?

Step 1:

Find the main script (Admin) module and open it up.


Step 2:

To add an admin you simply add UserId’s in the Administrators table as shown. It should look something like this {30492533, 30492533, 30492533} if there would be three admins in total.


Available commands?

Ban, Kick, Speed, Jump, Kill, God

How to use the commands?
  • !kick DisplayName Reason
  • !ban DisplayName Reason Duration
  • !god DisplayName
  • !kill DisplayName
  • !speed DisplayName Speed
  • !jump DisplayName Power
Will this system be updated?

This system will indeed be updated once necessary.




I recommend you change the name. There’s already an admin system called Basic Admin Essentials. I’ll read over the script and see what I think about it.


I’ve read over it, it’s very simple. Not the best out there, sorry but I wouldn’t use it.


I’d have to agree. There are already admin commands with 100+ more commands and a little more easier to use.

Plus there’s no !cmds command, and no UIs.

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I understand you want to help developers by using this admin commands. But I think it’s really easy to do so (I’m only talking about the better devs). But for beginner devs it’s probably a very nice module.

I’d suggest adding a UI instead of only using the chat. I feel like admin commands using the chat is really classic and old way of using the admin commands. So, in my opinion adding UI is the best part here.

Overall, amazing resource for beginners!

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Thank you so much for making even tho it’s simple. I know you made this Admin Command with your heart!
