Essential | Modern Administration Yet Finest (Coming soon this February)

There is. I haven’t updated the discord server that much. Maybe this week or next week, I could remodel it. Thanks for pointing that out!

:eyes: ChatService in progress… (25%)
Slash commands are implemented in the new ChatService dependency module (Essential’s TextChat supporter). I’ll show a demonstration of this in a showcase video sometime soon.


I recently finished implementing shadow mute and text chat bypass for text chat. (I will announce this later including other implementations that I may not have discussed today) And there’s one more thing off to finish in the implementation of TextChat: ChatTags

Should I implement this forth or will it be too much for you developers?

Just a side note, the ChatService server dependency module, which takes control over the TextChannel ShouldDeliverCallback system and TextSources, is compatible to third party chat modules for creating chat message callbacks, system messages, and chat bubbles.

Should I implement ChatTags feature into Essential?
  • Yes
  • No

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50% done with Chat Tags/Display Name feature. Currently in development on the sub tasks for this:

  • Disguise command (also including character change)
  • Changing display name & color
  • Cross chat & messaging

Here’s a quick demo of the disguisename command. (Different from the other command disguise)