Shadow Mute (TextChatService-ified and rescripted)

This is just a full rescript of GFink’s (yuck) ShadowMute to work with TextChatService. The code isn’t the greatest, so I encourage you to make modifications.

This lets you (as an admin) silently mute someone, where they will visually have all of their messages go through on their client, but none of it will show up for anyone else. It saves and will stick onto that user until they are unmuted by another admin.

The model to the module you can find here.
ID, if you just wanna require it straight up: 97145608967711
How to use:

Require it on runtime like so:

require(either module id here or just insert the module model and require that)(36000, "billybob") -- u can either provide usernames, or userids. UserIds recommended. If you wanna provide a table for the function, you will have to add support for that to the module's script.

I apologise in advance for my poor UI work, I do not specialize in it.


I was very intrigued about your implementation of shadow mute a few weeks ago. I liked how administrators could mute specific players without making it obvious to them that they’re muted such as disabling their chat bar (one of the old methods).

Quite frankly I was able to implement this into Essential, my custom admin system that I’m planning to release to the public very soon by the end of this month.

Here’s the demonstration:

I just finished making this implementation midnight so I’ll announce later in my Essential post.

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