ETG Casting: Class Handbook

Hello! :wave:

In this document, you will find all of the necessary information needed to go ahead with an acting class. This will include;

  • Rules
  • Warning system
  • Class Timings
  • Ranking System
  • Game links
  • Staff Applications

Please ensure you have read through all of this information, as any questions you have will most likely be answered within this Handbook.

Helpful Information :open_book:

Game Rules

1. Please do not troll during a class. If you do, you will be removed from the game, and will be unable to attend any further classes.
  1. Please be respectful to everybody. This includes both other users, and staff members. Again, if you are disrespectful, you will be removed from the game, and will be unable to attend any further classes.

  2. Stay on topic; Keep discussions related to acting and class activities. Avoid spamming or off-topic conversations.

  3. Use chat responsibly; No excessive caps, spamming, or arguing in chat. Keep language appropriate.

  4. Join on time; Be punctual for class sessions. Late arrivals may miss important instructions.

  5. Report issues to moderators; If someone is breaking the rules or making you uncomfortable, report it to the instructor or game moderators.

  6. Follow Roblox Community Standards; All players must adhere to Roblox’s Terms of Service and community guidelines.

Game Links

ROBLOX Group; Encore Theatre Group - Roblox
Class Game: Encore: Rehearsal Studio - Roblox

Staff Team
