Ethical Labs Announcements & Updates!

[Currently, this is just a showcase, and not fully functional!!]

– this game is practically on hold right now, as the lead dev has gotten a job and is quite busy. he might come back to it tho and make his great return (:

Welcome to the most Ethical scientific research facility on Roblox!

Tags: Science, Roleplay, Research, Lab, Laboratory, Facility, Nuclear, Medical, Hospital, RP, Ethical, Ethics, Labs, Committee, Scientific, Underground

update log + announcements in replies

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Update Log (Starting the 26th of November)

  • Moved some tweens to the client

  • Changed lighting mode to β€œVoxel” to improve performance (previously Future/ShadowMap)

  • Added nuke (requires special keycard in order to access,
    detonation time: 1 minute, 30 seconds

  • Improved the UI in the entrance/waiting room just a little bit

  • Fixed pool valve (mostly, still need to add swimming animations to when your in the water)

  • Fixed/uploaded custom sounds for the public sounds (Thanks Roblox :angry:)

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