European Style Floating island

Used the feedback from my Japanese style floating island to make this one, more rounded edges and more detail to the bottom. I also tried using some model grass for more detail but tbh Im not a fan

Tell me how I can improve my islands and thanks for the feedback

Yes I used free models, I mostly wanted to work on the island and just slapped what looked good on it


This is really cool, you should make the rock show more towards the edge though. It looks like if I was standing near the edge I would fall to my death.


Nice work, how do you make the bottom part of the island is it a blender mesh, plugin, or just studio? I’ve been always wanting to create a project like that.

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I use a terrain generator for the bottom (make a hill, delete the flat parts then flip it) and for the grass I used a model cutter and then for the little hills I use a mesh editor, all made from parts so it gives me more control and Is easier to edit

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what do you mean by show more to the edge?

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Look at the photo showing the bottom. It seems to be flat at the edges. You should make the bottom start going down more closer to the edge of the island.


I really like what you’ve set up here, I think it would go well for like a Skyblock Challenge as my closest reference to something similar to it.

You can do a lot with this game, it gives a lot that you can do with it.

I really like that windmill personally, I think it would be cool if you made it scriptable haha.

Overall, if your looking for improvements, you may want to consider adding a cave or a small pond with some fish if your sticking with my survival idea but I agree with the Honorable @johnsonfullerr that adding that depth with the rock would be a good idea.

Overall though, big fan of it. I’m excited to learn what it is for.

Stay Safe and Stay Creative


Shake up tree sizes, types, and colors a bit. Throw in some clover patches, flower patches and rocks around to add more variation in the wooded area. Otherwise, its a pretty build!


nice windmill!
I’d have to say the island looks really thin, like you might break it if you walked on it. If thats a game mechanic cool, otherwise i reckon it needs a bit more thickness.

Also is that a custom mesh that you used to make the island?, very cool! but since you seem to be going for a more realistic look, you might want to go back into blender select it in object mode then right click and select shade smooth.

Looks pretty cool. My only recommendation would be to thicken up those edges around the island. They look pretty brittle. Go from steep to flat instead of flat to steep if you know what I mean. Nice job.


This is nice, the island could have a but more definition, variation, and land imperfections but overall nicely done!

Add waterfalls on the edge and some vines

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Nice. I like it.
I suggest adding flowers, rocks, path, fond, well.
Keep up the good work!

I kinda sacrificed the edges for a more curvy top

Its made of parts, I have no idea how to use blender lol

Its purly for practice lol, if I were to do a survival island type game I would def make more variety to the terrain

Ah I see, well for practise it’s very nice.
If you expand it, could even become a showcase haha

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This looks insanely nice. Good job!

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Thanks for this, its helped a lot, as I’m planning on doing something very similar but on a larger scale. If you wouldn’t mint could you send me a link of the plugins you used to create this?