Even after advertising almost 200k Robux on it, my game never hit more than 25 players at once. Can I have advice?

I just made a game called Dungeon Royale a few months back and I worked really hard.

Ads are running currently, so you can catch some people playing. If there’s no players, please consider inviting 2 friends to play with you so you can experience it yourself.

This game is actually the most unique battle royale game I’ve ever played, and I made the idea. You’re literally fighting on a top down randomly generated maze game.

I find it disheartening my game even with hundreds of thousands of R$ in ads, aren’t getting recognition. I’m at a very big net loss, with the players not spending anything on my game. Can you give me some advice and moral support?


Well, first could you show us the ad? Maybe there was something off with the ad.

Maybe people aren’t interested in the game, or there’s something else you should add to attract players.

It could be the fact you need more than 2 players to play the game, which could put people off.

It is a great idea, so don’t give up!

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And lots of sponsors.

Perhaps there’s something too generic about the title. There’s already loads of games with the words “Dungeon” and “Royale”. You need a title that is memorable. Try reaching out to content creators

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the ad does NOT at ALL catch your eye. I wouldn’t click on it.
Make an ad with like people talking, or people fighting, and have the logo in the corner


wouldn’t matter anyways. most of my ads are in sponsors.

Yeah, I don’t think the advertisement itself is very good. Considering you just spent 200k on an ad, I think you can hire someone to make a really good advertisement for it. Also looking at the game icon/thumbnails it self it doesn’t look very good and looks like anyone could do, I’d suggest hiring someone to somehow make better graphic design for your game if you’re gonna spend 2000 usd on it. Even with a good game idea, if you don’t have a game that looks good enough or have good gui, most of the time not a lot of people would want to stay

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sponsors aren’t good/effective anymore, you have to scroll down quite a bit until you see popular

I’d recommend hiring someone to create higher quality ads, possibly with renderings or eye-catching colors and bold font. Experimenting with what types of ads are effective would also be useful, especially with such a large budget.

I’d also recommend trying to fix some bugs: the second time I played the game broke and wouldn’t continue onto the next turn. For what the other users were saying, it sounded like that had happened to some of them before.

The game was pretty cool. I think adding a UI that pops up for new players and explains the basics of the game and also an auto queue button (that teleports players to the largest queue) would help your game keep new players. I also think giving users a few basic items to customize their characters would also help with your game’s retention.

As far as the goals of your advertisements, I think emphasizing what your game is in general would be helpful. Most of the time when people think of the word royale they think of FPS games, which generally corresponds to a different audience than people who like turn-based strategy games. I bet you could pay someone to create an add showing a few characters fighting in a top-down grid environment with your game icon and text for 2k-5k :robux:, which would probably be worth it.

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It just seems like you didn’t test out your ad before spending huge amounts of robux on it. What was the ctr? You should always test out an ad with small amounts of robux first to see if the click rate is good. If not, you should get a new ad, and you should probably get a graphics artist to do it


should have spent more on ads brudder


Hey there! I saw you were having some trouble - I’m more than happy to share some strategies I’ve used to help my own projects. Looking at your game I have a few ideas where you might be running into trouble.

Problem area 1: Advertising

There’s more to advertising than just spending :money_mouth_face:

I’m guessing you already know from the posts above that your CTR is low. You can certainly improve that, so I’m going to focus on some other areas.


I think it’s more helpful to think about CPP than CTR. If this is the first time you’ve marketed your game, that means with 200k robux you’ve achieved around 4,044 visits. This means your CPP is 200k/4k, or around 50 robux.

There are a few reasons for this, for one advertising on the weekends will get you ~50% the impressions advertising on a weekday would. So assuming you’d advertised tomorrow instead of today, your CPP would probably be around 25 robux.

Beyond that is the trouble of sponsorships - they actually have a very low direct CPP, as in how much it takes to bring a player from seeing your advertisement to playing the game.

I’m not a huge fan of the way Roblox includes non-click players as a way to lower your perception of your CPP on the sponsorship screen. It may say the cost is around ~4 robux, but if you use the actual direct click costs ~20-25 robux. This is around my predicted CPP for your visit / spending ratio, so I’m guessing you may have done more sponsoring than advertising.

Advertisements > Sponsorships

If you take the average Monday impression rate of around 100 per robux, you can estimate the CPP. With a mediocre CTR of around 0.75% a single robux will get you around 0.75 players. Assuming around 25% of the players enter the game post-click you’ll likely get around 0.1875 players per robux. Normalizing this provides a CPP of around 5.3 robux. This direct click CPP is almost 4-5x better than sponsorships. If you assume a similar rate of player discovery that is shown on a sponsorship screen, this lowers to around 1 robux functional CPP.

As a bonus classic advertisements are mostly shown on PCs. PC players spend more on average, a trend noticed here but one I can confirm is true across all my games.

That being said unlike with sponsors, you can’t tell if a player who clicks your ad enters your game. This can make determining exact CPP difficult and leaves you open to the risk that you have a good CTR, but a bad click-to-play rate.

So, to help out your game focus more on advertising over sponsorships, and also advertise on weekdays. Also of course - test out your ads before going big on em. ~1k robux of spending should be more than enough to get a handle on the CTR for an ad.

Problem area 2: Your Onboarding

Give the players a reason to play

Lobby Design

So, I entered the game and there was nobody here. Obviously with there being low concurrents currently this is somewhat unavoidable, however this is something all round-based games have to deal with. The thing is your lobby currently has absolutely nothing to do in it. I don’t even get to look at my character lol. There’s nothing for me to interact with which might keep me in the game until someone else shows up.

If players won’t have a reason to stick around for more than ~30 seconds, you’ll need to have 3 players join every 30 seconds. For a new game that’s a pretty steep advertising cost, probably taking you into pricing of around 20-30k robux a day even when using those advertising practices above.

Let’s compare with Island Royale by Lord Jurrd. As it’s a battle royale game it needs a pretty large server to be fun, so how does he handle lobbies?

If you look above you’ll see his lobbies are colorful and filled with props to jump around on. He also gives the players weapons to mess around with. I don’t think this could be fun indefinitely, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a character given some weapons to just shoot could have fun for 1-2 mins while waiting. This kind of increase in player waiting time will cut your advertising costs by a factor of 4.


So, tutorials aren’t easy to make, but in all honesty, there are few less effective ways to teach a player than just throw them a wall of text.

Here are some things you could do alternatively:

  • Just not teach them: this is a battle royale game not Dwarf Fortress. Players probably know the gist of things. In fact some player uncertainty could even be helpful, because discovering mechanics (in a non frustrating way) can be engaging. Also asking for help can be a great way to break the ice with other players. I’m not saying don’t tell your players anything, but some confusion isn’t necessarily horrible if it’s contained and used correctly.
  • Situational prompts: this is my personal fall-back plan for most player onboarding tasks. Having a little text hint pop up on the side of the screen when a player interacts with something new is a great way to not overwhelm but still steadily guide players.
  • Intuitive design: this is the ideal. It’s not always possible, especially not for every player, but the more you can have players naturally just know what to do the better. For example a favorite of mine are the arrows on the floor of the prison in Jailbreak. It’s not exactly subtle, but throughout the game are many environmental cues for a player to do something. In general know that you can use high contrast colors, signage, arrows, and even room size and door placement to guide players through a map. The entire field could have books written about it (and has).

Player Logistics

This section is relatively short, but don’t have multiple starting pads for the game. You’re just going to split up your playerbase. You want to funnel all the players to one location, ideally one with cool stuff to do while they wait. There they’ll interact more with eachother (social interactions can be quite fun), as well as reduce time between rounds as the queue will fill faster!

If you want to allow players to do parties with their friends (what I’m guessing was the motivation for this) make that a separate feature, or possibly something off to the side that players can access through leaving the main lobby.

Problem Area 3: Long Term Marketing > Single Big Day

You’re probably familiar with retention rates, but for others reading here’s the gist:

Day # Retention Rate = D#RR

D0RR = how many players return on the day they play
D1RR = how many players return on the first day after they play
D7RR = how many players return on the seventh day after they play
D14RR = you get it lol

You can also do it with weeks, months, years, etc.

The retention rates per game vary, but a top 250 game will typically have around these metrics:

D1RR = 25%
D7RR = 10%

Notice how the farther away you get from the initial play date, the less likely players are to return. So let’s say you spend 100k robux on advertising at around a CPP of 5 robux.

You get 20,000 new players, here’s how many return in the following 7 days.

So, a week after your big advertisement has left you with only 2,000 players coming back, likely only filling a single server assuming ~10 min avg play duration. Any momentum you were hoping for the game to carry just evaporates. You’re stuck back at square one, probably ~40-50k robux lighter.

This is where most people get frustrated and give up on a game. What they may not realize though is that if they instead split their 10k robux across the entire week things completely change.


By using the prolonged nature of the retention rate, you can maintain your DAU indefinitely. For a round-based game like yours this is a must. By being able to hold onto your audience for longer you also get the benefits of the roblox discovery algorithm starting to recommend your game. Once that happens your cost per player begins to shrink to more manageable levels.

As retention doesn’t really end, really you can keep this pattern going indefinitely. Even if you stop advertising, the algorithm might bring in enough new players a day to keep this effect going for years.


Figure out your retention rates, use analytics + playtesting to figure out how to get as many people into the game as quickly as possible. Reduce your CPP to manageable levels, and advertise over longer periods of time.

And stick with it - I know debugging a live game can be miserable. At the end of the day though through determination, you can slowly chip away at the problems. Most game devs I know aren’t people who never hit roadblocks, instead they’re people who fight until they overcome them.

You got this :+1:


Consider sponsoring. Roblox has now added a whole new category on the front page called Sponsored. Give it a shot!

The game might not be interesting and it looks like it’s poorly made, people want to join back and do stuff for something, and maybe not to just fight.

I strongly believe that roblox has it own “Throttle Concurrent Player System”

I have spent 100k Robux on ads per day it gives me 400-500 concurrent players

I have spent 10k Robux on ads per day it give me 400-500 concurrent players

I have spent ZERO on the ads per day and it still give me 400-500 concurent players

Please explain what is this if not the roblox has its own automated concurrent player throttle… You need to maintain your good rating… in order for that to increased automatically… once the rating drops… the concurrent player also drops…

I have 14k+ Favourite on my game… and still 500+ concurrent players while i saw some game has only 5k favourite but has 1000-2000 concurrent active players…

Roblox seriously need to fix for us WHO PAID FOR ADS… not pushing those FREE Advertising by promoting on youtube and social media that gives nothing on roblox in literal USD… roblox seriously need to help us… i already spent 10k USD real life money on 2 of my game and never got into sorts… even though theres thousand2 of player like the game…

this is so so so truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Not sure if this will help, but consider making the group more about the game and promote it more to get ppl to join. I get a lot of ideas for my games and feedback from my groups.