I have an EventHandling script as shown below. The inmenu successfully is created and destroyed, however if a player has a “Main” tag, it does not destroy the Lobby tag I created in the player. Note, the tag for “Main” is created in a sibling script. (So maybe this has something to do with it and this script doesn’t recognise the Main tag?)
Can anyone see where Ive gone wrong?
Many thanks
local inMenu = Instance.new("BoolValue")
inMenu.Name = "InMenu"
inMenu.Parent = player
local Lobby = Instance.new("StringValue")
Lobby.Name = "Lobby"
Lobby.Parent = player
if player:FindFirstChild("InMenu") then
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player:FindFirstChild("Main") then
This could be because the “Main” tag is generated AFTER the loop checks for “Main” in all players.
Depending on the purpose of “Main,” may consider adding a wait before looping through the players?
Yes I believe the ‘Main’ tag will be generated after as it is created when a player changes teams 10s ish into the game.
I added a long wait above the final for loop, but this didnt seem to fix it.
In full, the purpose of this is to help my spectate script realise when a player has changed team.
So alternatively, in my spectate script I have this for loop
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player:FindFirstChild("Lobby") then
button.Visible = true
frame.Visible = true
button.Visible = false
frame.Visible = false
It works to make the button & frame visible for the Lobby team, however when the player is actually removed from this team, the button & frame stays and doesn’t actually dissapear. Any ideas?
Yes! I believe what you can do is use a ChildAdded and ChildRemoved connection. These events basically listen for whether a child is added or removed on an Instance.
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