I personally have come across this issue multiple times, it’s very annoying to say the most. Ever not thought ahead and made a bunch of mesh parts and don’t want to go rename every single one? I’ve made a simple command bar script that all you need to do is change the mesh id and it will locate & change the name to what you want. More of a QoL script you could say,
for _, obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if obj:IsA("MeshPart") and obj.MeshId == "rbxassetid://YOUR_MESH_ID" then
obj.Name = "YOUR_MESH_NAME"
Makes it extremely easy for customizing certain parts that need to be renamed, recolored, and more.
In my case I had over 260+ objects that I needed to change, so no I would rather not use the search bar. This is mainly for people who have a mass amount of a certain mesh.
Using the search bar would require me to select every object with that name, they were also in models so even less efficient. This script isn’t even complicated at all it’s one of the most basic things. You could probably learn it on a youtube video.
This works, but it appears to generally select all instances with the name you searched up, which if you’re aiming to only change the settings of a specific Mesh ID, isn’t quite ideal (assuming you might have other instances with the same/or similar name).
Personally the best way I’ve found for changing specific instances is by using the Part Picker Plugin:
Select 1 of the instance type you wish to change all versions of;
Press “Run Filter” to have all of the highlighted instances actually be selected, from here on you can change all kinds of things through the default properties tab, so in this case, including the name.
I believe this to be the most convenient way when you’re working with lots of instanced meshes and need several changes to be made
(This also takes about 3 seconds to do once you’re used to it)
You’re right, I didn’t know this.
However the method I showed actually requires 0 keyboard usage and merely 5 clicks, which if you’re as lazy as me and using your other hand as a headrest could be pretty nice (this argument falls apart right after the second you need to change a property value that requires the keyboard)
The property tab is part of the Plugin, it pops up automatically after you select any instance, to search for the property you want you simply click on it, no copying or pasting anywhere needed