Evercyan's RPG Kit (V2)


Why does the hotbar only save when leaving and rejoining and not when dying?


The dark forest teleportation doesn’t work, it just fades invisible, no animations no teleportation.


Do you have the latest version? This should hopefully be fixed in the recent version of the kit, but you can just replace the inventory gui if you have to override an existing place.


Yeah, I used the import plugin, so I assume I’m using the latest version. I’ll try replacing the inventory ui.


I have now most definitely used the latest version of the kit inventory and swords still do not save correctly in the hot bar on death.


As stated in the OP, you are probably talking about the Level door included in the kit, which gatekeeps anything by a level.


This has been solved in DMs! ----


Can you add a ModuleScript where you can change the enemy’s stats so you don’t have to change all of the enemies if you want to add a change to one of them? The enemy’s data should be referenced in the ModuleScript.

And please add xp custom changes so they don’t have to be multiplied the same to get to the next level.


How can I make gold be shown in leaderstats like level?


Evercyan, I think the reason that this isn’t working is because the last update was on July 14th. Based on your messages it seems like you’ve been working on it, but it seems like you forgot to update the actual model as far as I can tell.


I found out that the Datastorage is not really working (50/50 only).

As long the server doesn’t print the message that it got saved, all your progress can be lost. Can you maybe fix that ?

Here the game i made with this kit


Would it be possible for me to make all the item icons (inventory, hotbar, shop etc.) into viewports to remove the need of decals/images? I’m not the best at scripting or UI, and I’m not completely sure how to go about this. Thanks!


Is it possible in any way to get area damage/AoE on weapons

If not, how to run something through damagelib?


Hello, I need help, how to make several identical items fall out?


I knocked out an iron sword, and if I knock out 5 more pieces, then there will be 6 iron swords in the inventory

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You would have to have 6 identical items with slightly different names, and then have all of those be set to drop from the enemy.

why would you want to do that though,
because the reason might be problematic:
if you’re trying to make the enemy drop consumables, the item can be removed from the inventory, but all of them will be given back at respawn


I want to make a crafting system, but because there is a limit on 1 item, I can’t do what I want, I would like to make ore mining from a mob

That’s why I want there to be no limit on the number of items

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so im trying to add charms like “%10 more gold gain” or “%15 more damage”, i know how player attributes work and im plannig on implement it as a new type of attribute but i cant find any way to make player earn more gold based on its attributes because i wansnt able to find the script that rewards the player, i know it sounds stupid but trust me i searched thru all scripts… can you guys hlep me with it?


Protogen I think made an addon to the kit. If you search in roblox, he has “his” version of the kit. In that, he made some orbs that on touch give gold and health but you can probably modify it give whatever stat you want or make in the future


thats not what i need, i need passive boosts, to do that i need to know where is the script that gives player its Xp and Gold after defeating an enemy, those stat orbs just adds stats doesnt boosts the passive income + i tried them they are broken

thanks for the reply tho


I assume that AoE is not possible since no response on this, but there has to be a way to make something other than the sword run through the damagelib.

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