Welcome to The Everest Handbook
Welcome to the Everest Handbook. Here you can locate all the required things that you will need to have a great time at all of our establishments. Everest is constantly evolving and growing in members and development wise! If you have any questions regarding our Handbook, please don’t hesitate to notify a member of our administration team.
Session Schedule
Everest does not currently operate on a set session schedule, check back later for updates.
V1 Rules
- Trolling is not permitted on any of our premises.
- You are to be respectful to fellow customers and staff members.
- Please follow all of ROBLOX’s Terms and Conditions.
- Exploiting/Glitching is not permitted on any of our premises.
Staff Materials
Here, you can locate all of our staff materials that LR’s can utilize to navigate around our premises.
Staff Handbooks
V1 Recipe Guide
Staff Handbook coming soon
Bulletin / Updates
This is not yet completed, check back another time!
Job Positions At Everest
Everest is currently only hiring LR ranks, MR applications are released periodically.
Department Information
Public Relations
Our Public Relations department is in charge of maintaining our alliances with other groups, and hosting events.
If you wish to formulate an affiliation with Everest, please access the application here!
Coming Soon.
Staffing Team
Our staffing team is in charge of dealing with all our staff here at Everest. This includes: Demotions, promotions, and much more. If you believe you were wrongly terminated, or not promoted accordingly, please notify members of our Staffing Team.
Coming Soon...
Coming soon…
This handbook was most recently updated on: N/A
Approved by the Leadership Team and Development Team At Everest