Evergreen Cafe | Management Guide & Admin Handbook

:tea:Evergreen Cafe | Moderation Guide:tea:

:pushpin: GROUP LINK

Welcome to the Evergreen Cafe admin handbook. Here, this guide will state all the rules Staff Assistant (SA) + will have to follow while working in the cafe. Such as when to ban users, what bannable offences are and much more.

To open your command list, say ‘cmds’ in the chat.
If you want to use the command bar, click the ’ key on your keyboard. After that type in the command you want to use.

[P] Promotion Times

These times vary from the last time a user was promoted.
You will have to wait [x] amount of days since their last promotion if you want to promote them again.

  • MRs - 15+ days

  • HRs - 20+ days

  • SHRs - 30+ days

  • LRs to MRs - 5-7+ days

  • MRs to HRs - 15+ days

  • HRs to SHRs - 30+ days

  • If you are promoting LRs to MR then they must have access to be in our communications server.

[R] Staff Requirements/Information

Staff Assistant + are allowed to host training & shifts. Management Interns will be able to help at training sessions, train trainees, or supervise a training session.

Activity Requirements:

ONLY Staff Assistant+ are asked to complete these requirements.
:pushpin:Over the course of 2 weeks you must have at least 15 minutes of activity in-game.
:pushpin: Over the course of 1 month you must have at least 45 minutes of activity in-game.

[M] Moderating Players

Staff Assistant+ will be equip with admin commands.

Admin commands are NOT to be abused, any sign of admin abuse will be met with a consequence immediately.


SA+ must kick trollers after giving them 1 warning.

:warning:[IMPORTANT WARNING POLICY] Warnings must be able to be given quickly. A valid example of a warning within Evergreen Cafe is as follows: “Please stop trolling.”

Here is an example of how you should NOT give a player a warning: “Warning 1 | Trolling”.

Do not flat out tell them that that is their warning. Just say something simple like ‘Please stop trolling.’ After that, if they continue, you can kick them.

If an LR staff member calls you over for support with a troller, make sure to check their chat logs to make sure the LR already gave the troller a warning. If they didn’t, then you will have to. If they did already, then kick immediately.

You can easily do this by saying “chatlog (user)”.

[IMPORTANT] The ‘ban’ command can only be used by HR+. If the troller that you recently kicked rejoins and keeps breaking rules, the next step would be to call a HR+ for a server ban.

You must use kick instead of ban when dealing with trollers ON THEIR FIRST OFFENSE ONLY.

:warning:IMPORTANT! If you are a MR, you can use the command “banreq (User) (Reason)” to request a server ban for someone who is breaking the rules. This request will be sent to a HR+ in the server to approve/deny it.
Please always make sure you use sufficient reasons when using this command so that the person reviewing the request can better determine what to do!

As for exploiters, you are to immediately Permanently Ban them if you are a HR+. All MRs must call a SHR+ to permanently ban the user exploiting. (Permanent bans must always be logged.)

To ban a user, say in chat or using the command bar ‘ban (username)’. After that, they should disappear and they should not be able to rejoin.


  • Disrespect - Users who are disrespectful should receive 1 Warning (using warning policy stated above) then a kick from the server if they continue. :arrow_right: If they rejoin after being kicked, then will be warned 1 more time, then server banned if they continue.

  • Bypassing Chat - Users who decide to bypass the Roblox chat filter will receive a immediate PERMANENT BAN ONLY from the game.

  • Minor Spamming - Minor spam (Less than 6 messages) is met with a kick from the server.

  • Major Spamming - Any user who is sending more than 6 messages at once (Spamming) should receive a permanent ban from a SHR.

  • Discussing Political Topics - This is not allowed and will result in a server ban.

  • Racism/Racist Remarks - This is not allowed and will result in an immediate permanent ban.

  • Utilizing Alternative Accounts - “Alt” accounts can easily be detected by gathering info on the account. You can easily do this by using the ”info” command. If their account age is 0, then they will receive a Permanent Ban.

[D] Demotions/Suspensions

If you happen to come by a staff member that is trolling, you must call a high enough rank so that they can demote them. After that, they get banned from the server.

Other offences that can be demoted for:

  • Disrespect towards MR+.
  • Refusing to take customers orders.
  • Sealing registers.
  • Refusing to work.

[A] Additional Information


  • Middle Rank Staff (MR) - Admin Level 1 - Access to kick users.
  • High Rank Staff (HR) - Admin Level 2 - Access to kick & server ban users.
  • Senior High Rank Staff (SHR) - Admin Level 3 - Access to kick, ban, & permanently ban users.

As a SA+ your job is to make sure that the Cafe is a safe place for everyone. You are not allowed to use the following commands without executive permission.

Remember that all commands that are used in-game will be logged so if any admin abuse is suspected, your rank and your permissions will be removed immediately.

Side Note) You ARE permitted to use the ‘view’ and ‘unview’ command to view staff members to see if they are working or not. If they are not, make sure to correct that.

Blacklisted Commands:

unadmin [Unless to unadmin admin abusers]

Do NOT use any of the blacklisted commands without Executive Permission. You will be warned or demoted if you use them.

  • Overall, you MUST follow every procedure listed here or else you are risking demotion, or a permanent ban off all of our games.

And that’s it! Thank you for viewing this post. If you have any questions, make sure to direct them to executive members of the group!

EC | Evergreen Cafe Admin Handbook
Made by jqhnnyx - Founder & President