Every classic Visor has a singular flat-shaded triangle

Back in 2007, Roblox released the original ROBLOX Visor. Since then, we got a new visor every year until 2019, where we got the Roblox Visor that is currently available for free. We’ve also gotten plenty of other variants ranging in availability and price.

There’s one issue that’s persisted across every visor that uses the original 2007 ROBLOX visor mesh: there is a single flat-shaded triangle on the side with the “R”. Here’s an example of how it looks on the original item in-game:

And here’s an example of it in Blender without the texture:

Here’s a list of every single variant that has this specific issue:
2007 ROBLOX Visor
2008 ROBLOX Visor
2009 ROBLOX Visor
2010 ROBLOX Visor
2011 ROBLOX Visor
2012 ROBLOX Visor
2013 ROBLOX Visor
2014 ROBLOX Visor
2015 ROBLOX Visor
2016 ROBLOX Visor
2017 ROBLOX Visor
2018 ROBLOX Visor
Blue Snipers Visor
Boo Visor
Burning Visor
Evil Duck Visor
Got Milk Visor
Monstars Visor
Recycled Cardboard Visor 2014
Roblox Rogues Visor
ROBLOX Summer Visor
Roblox Visor
Superbrick Visor
Tix Visor
Treehugger Visor
T-Bone Visor

Expected behavior

The side of the model should be completely smooth. Something like the example shown below


Okay atp you guys are now ruining all the classic avatar items. Because it’s not perfect that’s what makes the item special and unique, you guys don’t have to ruin that…

Ever since that guy that wanted the cat ears fixed I’ve seen those reports, I’m not saying roblox should not fix avatar items but not for a normal being flipped or that the mesh is not 100% smooth.


I’m not saying that they should fundamentally change the design of any of these items or anything like that. I’m just pointing out a relatively subtle mistake that isn’t gonna drastically change the look of any of these items.


I am absolutely on board with you about this but unfortunately regardless of our opinion people do have the right to submit bug reports about things like this and it is totally at Roblox Staff’s discretion whether or not they should fix it.


TBH, fixing this would make it better.


It’s just a small change It’s not gonna break it or anything


The thing that makes the item special and unique is that a triangle was misplaced causing one side not to be flat?
That’s what’s nice about it?


People get mad when items are made to look as they were intended, better and less classic; also when they’re made to look better and more classic. You can never win.


I don’t understand it. I kind of got the re-mesh on clockwork since it was a pretty major change but this, and the top hats are very minor changes.


… What? Smoothing out a singular triangle isn’t going to ruin this item. I know I’ve been defending older roblox content quite a bit with some of the stuff being announced, but this is extreme… :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I’m unsure about this. It does look smooth but I think visors should be left alone.


In my opinion, such unintented details should be fixed. This won’t hurt anyone, and nobody else before except for this person has ever knew about this. All defenders of this “triangle” in my opinion should go discuss more major changes.
But, cause there’s 2 groups of people, let’s solve this debate by the following poll:

Fix this triangle on VIsors?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


it gives it a low-poly look, the way that some old items are modelled imperfectly is actually charming, and that’s aside from nostalgia. if every old item is remade to be polished and professional looking, it’ll be a downgrade for people who appreciate the look or are nostalgic. if you want a smooth visor, UGC exists. Roblox should not waste their time changing this. a lot of people would be unhappy, so it’s not even worth it anyways.


I’m totally with you that imperfections can add a ton of charm depending on the context. I’m a big fan of the Teapot series and the Classic Pumpkin series in part because of their weird little design quirks! But as somebody who’s been around for years and loves to wear some of my visors from time to time, I’m not sure if I agree that this particular quirk really gives the visor a “low-poly look” with it being on just one face.

I completely understand people’s apprehension with making changes to classic items given how the Workclock’s Headphones were handled. But I’m not asking for a complete redo of all the visors to make them look like something Roblox would make today. I just wanted to point out a relatively subtle mistake that bothered me personally when I noticed it on the Treehugger Visor a few months ago.


I understand your view, but many people would probably get angry about this change. So we should leave visor meshes alone.


Fair point. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


Also, visors with black triangles are not noticeable.

Just checked back on this and noticed that my report was closed without a proper response from staff. While I can definitely understand some apprehension to tackling this given the discussion it spawned, having any confirmation going one way or the other would be greatly appreciated.

If they close your report, that means, either is a small almost unnoticiable thing that isn’t necesary to fix, or because this is such a really old item that changing it will break something in a bunch of experiences, or cause backlash.
edit: called it


I don’t think it would break a game but it would probably cause backlash. Coming from a visorian myself.