Every Meshpart in game turning transparent when player gets too close

I have a problem where meshparts turn transparent when the player gets too close and looks a certain way. It’s a weird problem, but here’s a demonstration with a monster. The monster is all just one meshpart.

This happens with every mesh in my game, but I have not been able to replicate this problem in any of my other places, even with the same meshes. I’ve also not seen a single person with this problem, but that may be because it’s not actually a problem and just something I may have accidentally toggled. Nonetheless, it’s very annoying and I hope asking here can provide me some insight!

Note: I am using SurfaceAppearance on these meshes, and while SurfaceAppearance is definitely not the issue–as moving the mesh with SurfaceAppearance still applied to another game doesn’t replicate the problem–I only noticed it after using SurfaceAppearance on my meshes. Don’t know if that helps at all. Again, this only happens to me in this one game.

You have invisible camera parameter on, so it can go trough parts and make then half invisible

I figured it was something like that. Know how to turn it off? It does this in-game as well which is the most annoying part

I believe you have to turn down the LocalTransparencyModifier. Alternatively, you can fork the camera scripts for the player and then change the part responsible for tweaking transparency for visibility.

Oh my god thank you lol. It turns out I accidentally switched the DevCamOcclusionMode to Invis. Really new to the devforum so I didn’t really know where I should’ve posted my problem. Thank you for the help!

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