Every single DataStore I use is not working

I have a game. Just now, I have been getting reports of data loss every time they join. I checked the F9 console and saw this every time the game tried to access the DataStores:

502: API services rejected request with error. HTTP 503 (Adaptive Concurrency Limits Enforced)

I have no idea what’s going on, and I need this issue resolved as quickly as possible.


Sounds like you’re making too many requests. How often are you writing to/receiving data from the data store?


I just checked it out, and it seems something (likely HD admin) was making tons of requests. I shut down the server and it worked normally

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Having this issue in studio, I’m not making many requests (3 per test session) & didnt change anything. Only started happening yesterday. This is making it impossible to test my game without having to wait several minutes between changes…

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just got the same issue for the first time… I’m only making 3 requests and roblox just said nope :skull_and_crossbones:

didn’t even do anything, was just loading data like usual…

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I have filed a bug report for this new, undocumented datastore error here

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