Everyone in my game got banned?

Have you tried asking John Empire?

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Can you try running a ban command on some of them, then running the unban command, to see if that fixes it? (If you know who was affected)

(Ban and Unban using code)

Try disable this?
If bans were done via BanAsyncs, this should resolve issue, at least until you toggle it back. Otherwise, banning was done using some diffirent approach.


Good suggestion. This should totally disable Ban API.


this is a bug that I genuanly hate because it took 20 minutes to unban myself from my own game

it would disable banning via scripts only, the ban api would still be functional

I assume this is a game apart of 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regimentᅠᅠ - Roblox (I have a friend in this group) but back to the problem. Probably the ban API, but I do have another theory. I’m guessing it will (like most mil-sims) run Adonis, which could be fetching something external that scripts won’t show. If you are running Adonis, which version? Is it connected to a trello or discord server?

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