Everyone in my game got banned?

Hey guys, I’m literally at a complete dead end here.

Later yesterday (Janurary 1st), me and roughly 70 other people were in one of my games. All of sudden we all got kicked and got shown one of these two messages:


I thought this was a simple exploit we had in the game, so I decided to just go through and delete some suspicious scripts. That didn’t fix the issue. Upon rejoining in the game, EVERYONE that was in-game when it happened are seeing this:

I removed every single possible script from the game and re-published it. STILL NO FIX!!! They have effectively kicked me and most of my playerbase out of my own game. How is this possible?? I’ve emailed Roblox but I genuinely want to know if this is a known issue that other people are facing. Because I wasn’t able to find a single forum post talking about this. Error code 600 when we try to join the game?? He LITERALLY BANNED ME FROM MY OWN GAME!! How did they do this, it sure as hell wasn’t me! This is absolutely insane, I need help ASAP.


your experience probably has free model that give people access to the server allowing them to do anything or could be a security flaw with an anticheat or admin panel or something


you probably didnt removed all the scripts or you couldnt find actual backdoor

this isnt roblox issue lol if it was than all the front page experiences would go from 50-200 k players to 0

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Because everyone were banned (from what it seems) using the BanAPI, deleting the scripts wont unban them, you need to unban everyone that were banned because of this

this wont help you because as the person above me said:

so roblox wont help you

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maybe ask john empire if he did abuse and if he did ask him to not do it again or remove his admin access

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You got any sus plugins?

I tested out making some plugins and MAAAAAAN can you make a good virus with one. I recommend going through all your plugins and making sure there safe

And if you have anyone else making the game with you. They can do the same


This is because they were banned by the ban api

You can see whos banned in your game at the game tab > Moderation > Bans

  1. This’s new BanAPI. Check your game scripts for it.
  2. If nothing found, disable all plugins and check again.
  3. If it was plugin, then look at source code of each, or enable them one-by-one. Source code can be obtained with game.InsertService:LoadAsset(PLUGIN_ID)
  4. Enable them one-by-one

If nothing above helps, you are in dead end.


They still see the message because they haven’t been unbanned. You can unban them from the Engagement → Bans menu in your experience menu.

You either have someone with ban permissions (I’m not sure if this is creator only or if there are different rules for group games), you have a plugin injecting a script (check your plugins’ permissions), or you have a malicious script banning players.

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These bans were placed using Roblox’s Ban API. The fact they were placed without your knowledge or consent means you likely have a back door in your experience “(a virus)”. As the person above me states, you can view and remove the bans made with this API in your experiences configure tab.

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Hi. I’m going to respond to everyone’s questions in this reply.

I did, I used a script and inserted it in the command bar that deleted all scripts, localscripts, and module scripts. Maybe plugins are causing the issue?? I doubt it though.

These are all good suggestions, but I cannot stress enough that I tried all options before making a devforum post. The game has zero people banned under it, nor is there any banned under the group at all:

I am a solo developer for the game and do pretty much everything for it. I have no one else that is able to control bans on the group or in the game. I am still completely lost. When you join the game, the loading screen pops up for a SECOND and this error occurs, I’m sure most of you are used to the game loading for a little bit, then all the scripts load, then it can kick you (like an error 276 a normal :Kick() code). This loads INSTANTLY, before the game can even think about loading. Another reason why I think it isn’t anything in the game doing it.

Thank you guys for the replies and attempts to help though. I really do think this is an issue only Roblox will be able to solve. I’m still bewildered at how these guys did this.


I think it has something to do with a exploiter since ROBLOX started, there has been some wild Roblox hackers.

its not roblox issue or exploit its something wrong with the scripts thats all i can say

I recommend disabling every model/script you have and testing the game till you collect the real script/model that is causing this issue to happen. (use explorer to disable all models/scripts you have till you fixed the issue)

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The error codes you’re getting are from the ban API:

I would double check the bans. It might also be Roblox takes a bit to unban the users.

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Are you sure that the code you ran in the command bar got all the scripts that exist in the datamodel of your game, and not specific services only? Malicious scripts often like to hide themselves in obscure or hidden services that are not visible by default in the explorer.


Maybe look for random things? So sorry this happened to you

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Hey guys, little update. I literally published a BLANK Roblox baseplate to the game. Still banned. I also re-installed my Roblox. Still banned. This HAS to be a Roblox issue.

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What plugins have you got installed?

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I disabled all my plugins and re-published a new baseplate.

I believe the issue is, when he got access to the game via the exploit, he used Roblox new BanAsync to just ban everyone that was in game. However, I cannot UNBAN them because they don’t show up in the moderation tab under the game experience. I don’t think there is any other way for me to unban them, I tried running a script in game to unban them but it didn’t work.