Everything I should know about xbox

HI, So after major dips in xbox revenue and huge rises in others ive decided to endeavour into every thing to do with xbox, especially since my xbox graphs for a third of the way into the month ain’t looking great please understand these figures are very high so its not just one user impacting last month’s and this month sales - I will not publicly be disclosing exact numbers at this point

Here is what I want to know:

What cant you do on roblox on xbox which pc players can? example - use roblox chat

Do xbox players buy more game passes or dev products?

What times of the week (if any) do xbox players peak for you?

– Side questions not related to main topic

What do you do to increase profits at Christmas?

Is it worth translating your game, and if so, to what languages?


Hello, @Tyfor_Dev I play on xbox and on ios and on PC I have been playing xbox for about 4 months.

Well, from what I have we buy Game-Passes mostly. for Dev Products we have to get on a PC to really use it.

Sunday, and Saturday is the most I have seen and Friday.

That’s on how many people play from different Country.

What we do is try to get the player wanting to buy the game-pass which they do must of the time.
From what I have mostly seen is that when it’s the month of Dec most people don’t even play Roblox the most try to get another games and or deal off game’s.

Thanks, for reading. :star_struck: :smiley: Have a great day.


Quick thing, is xbox stats broken, or am I. just experiencing a really strange anomaly. my dev stats because despite maintaining a consistent 50-150 xbox players across game servers in the past week they have made 0 robux.

I play on every platform, and XBOX is a platform that i play everyday:

You can’t configurate your graphics, add friends (except XBOX friends), can’t join groups, see how many players are playing or join another server, for what i read, Robux in XBOX is separated from the Robux from other platforms, if you got robux from a pc, and you play in xbox, the xbox will say that you have 0 Robux, and if you see the total, will say your current total from both platforms.

I guess that gamepasses.

At weekends actually

I’m creating a game and i still dont know what to do on that stuff, but what i read from posts, i would make something like gifts, events with limited stuff and a post that caught my interest, you should make your events/offers/etc. In another day, what i mean, for example, if your event duration is only for 25th, i recommend you to the event duration be 25-26th since some kids gets their first computer, and if they play roblox on it, and the event duration was 25th, they get something like mad, but if the event duration would be 25-26th, they would enjoy and play your game.

I think yes, since i have some friends who sucks at english, or they don’t know nothing about it. And as a normal person and developer at the same time, i would try to give the best experience to the players, about what languages you could translate, you should ask your players, cause what if you translate your game in Indonesia but everybody who play your game is from India, so i recommend to ask your players what language they speak and if they say French, add French.

I hope this helped you!

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Robux in XBOX is separated from the Robux from other platforms, if you got robux from a pc, and you play in xbox, the xbox will say that you have 0 Robux, and if you see the total, will say your current total from both platforms.

Just wanted to drop in and mention this is not the case anymore. You can now use Robux purchased anywhere on Xbox :smile:


I don’t think Xbox players buy more. Users who tend to play on Xbox prefer those sort of FPS styles. Games like Call of Duty and even a game like Forza Horizon make users feel more… engaged? I think that’s the proper word lol. See, I go on my Xbox for those kinds of games. The controller allows for quick movement on the buttons. I think it’s worth translating any game. Users who are across the world, still do enjoy games even if they can’t read it. It’s similar to Americans and K-Pop lol. With translating, it allows for more users to be able to understand and engage the game.