Everything that isn't a ScreenGui inside of StarterGui disappears in PlayerGui

There is so many screenguis in my startergui, but every time when I try to group these with a folder, the folder just disappears in playerGui.
even localscript and some value instances disappears too.

or just they doesn’t load? please help!

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Do you try to group these GUIs when you’re playtesting, or in the StarterGUI before playtesting? Everything that is in the StarterGUI should be replicated to the Client.

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I grouped them before playtesting. I think there is something destroying them

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Does this occur in a specific game you have? If so, it might be a script that you have that’s removing some parts of your PlayerGUI.


This is a known bug.

And it will be never fixed. due to backwards compatability…

nevermind, I still don’t know what line of my code did this to me, but I disabled some scripts and that fixed

I think that the problem is made because of this:

I don’t know why but I changed folders to screenguis and problem solved

thank you all for help!

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