Everything you didn't know you wanted to know about Roblox Studio (1 hour Studio info dump video)

I made an info dump video divulging as much obscure or less common knowledge about Studio as possible in under an hour. I recommend watching on 1.5x speed, enjoy:

(Note: There’s a few audio artifacts in the video. They’re infrequent enough that they shouldn’t be a big issue for the watching experience)


Super complete, thanks for putting this together! I learned some new things; I didn’t know Studio could hook the command bar into the debugger context.

How much of this I knew already is also a real testament to how much sheer time I’ve spent using this application lol.


Really epix! I’m about 3/4th from the video being completed, and I learned quite a bit. This just made me realize that I don’t click enough buttons on Studio. I’ve never once opened the player customizer panel or even used mesh collisions.

The only thing I have to say about the tutorial is that there’s some REALLY loud popping sounds every 15 or so minutes, and it makes my ears want to cry


I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or proud that I know most of these. Some of these though, never actually knew. I went this entire time not knowing that you could change keybinds. Wow. It’s like a new super power I unlocked.

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Time to immediately remap Ctrl+1/2/3/4 to something remotely sane?

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Yup. I am addicted to your script-tab switching keybind. It’s smooth like butter.

Someone needs to condense all of this into text, :thinking: I might do that


Wow, that is one educational video. Will definitely watch most of it…well done , and thanks! (looking forward to learning stuff)

This is awesome man! Learned so much from it! Thanks for making this!

What a lovely video, thank you so much for this. Learn so much from this

I have suggestion which is adding timestamp on the video, make it easy for new people to find that they need

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0:26 Publish versus Save to Roblox
1:59 Export as .obj
2:24 Customize shortcuts menu
3:20 Beta Features and beta channel
5:15 Quick Access
6:34 Toggling Ribbon Bar
7:28 What’s New button
8:20 Using Color and Material buttons as tools
9:18 Unlock All
10:40 Using Weld tool and welding models together easily
11:57 Insert Object
12:36 Run Script
13:14 Player Emulator
14:11 Mute button
15:10 UI toggle
15:29 Device Emulator toggle
15:51 Duplicating and collisions toggle
16:37 Zooming to selection of part or terrain region, using F by default
17:47 Select After Insert
19:19 Orientation Indicator
20:40 Clear Output button
20:54 Output Log Mode
22:17 Aligning Output with Command Bar
23:20 Double-clicking on a part to select a decal
24:07 Dragging objects will align based on vertex closest to drag start position
25:20 Tilting and rotating based on surface normal
26:56 Align Dragged Objects toggle
28:01 Insert point behavior
28:58 You can duplicate during a drag
29:48 Selecting a part within a model, default shortcut is Alt + A, and works with Shift to select multiple parts
30:37 Physical draggers
32:08 Freeform dragging while using physical dragger
33:32 Using Quick Open with its default shortcut Control + P
34:48 Find and Replace All, default shortcut Control + Shift + F
35:45 Control + Click in Script Editor to jump to function definition
36:29 Using Back within Script Editor
37:57 Decomposition geometry, recommending Show Decomposition Geometry plugin, using Box for things players won’t interact with, Hull as a happy medium, Precise for anything the player needs accurate collision for, and never using Default
47:41 Beams can be connected to Bones
48:27 Decals cast shadows
49:11 Camera speed settings
49:48 Plugins directory, changing it to swap out plugin set
50:43 Customizing selection boxes
51:29 Disabling automatic saving for large places or changing its interval
52:05 Setting to make command bar execute in the context of a breakpoint during debugging
53:43 Showing the diagnostics bar, which would otherwise be empty space
54:28 Customizing Script Editor, recommends against using spaces as tabs, recommends setting a ruler and showing whitespace
56:38 Script Editor themes “Extra 1” and “Extra 2” are the respective default Lua themes of Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text
57:30 Render Streamed Regions
57:42 Incoming Replication Lag
58:53 Rendering quality level
59:36 Developers don’t use enough plugins

My personal tips

  • Enable View → View Selector to quickly align camera to an axis.
  • Install Studio Tweaks to get rid of the UI editor, make new Studio parts default to having Anchored true, CanShadow false, and CanTouch false for performance.
  • Install Reclass to quickly convert that ImageLabel to an ImageButton.
  • Install Tag Editor to manage CollectionService tags.