Everytime I disabled the backpack my spawn location is not at the spawn point (1 HR PAST)

I don’t know how and the backpack disabler is the normal disabler

i use this backpack alternative model:

this is the backpack disabler script:

local StarterGui = Game:Getservice("StarterGui")

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)
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so where does it spawn you at?

i need some more information

it spawns me in one of my builds, in the floor of it.

is that build located at 0,0,0?

no, it is not at 0,0,0. but lemme check where it is rq

cframe pos is -24.377, 2.405, -8.953 orgin is -24.377, 2.405, -8.953

well if theres no SpawnLocations in workspace roblox always spawns you at 0,0,0 (the center of the world i guess)

i just realized that the pos that it spawn me in is 0,0,0, but there are spawn points in workspace.

are Neutral and Enabled set to true?

or if you spawn on a team, is the TeamColor set to that team’s TeamColor and Neutral set to off?

which neutral are you talking about? plus there are no teams in my game

the Neutral property on the SpawnLocation(s)

its enabled by default but idk if you edited the spawns

i just realized something, it doesnt spawn me in the ground anymore! but it doesnt disable the roblox backpack. the script is

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

that needs to be a localscript.

if thats not it then idk lol

it is a local script in starter gui, and it’s still not working

is it parented to a player or starterplayer/characterScripts

no it’s parented to startergui

try parenting to starterplayer scripts or starter character scripts

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still not working and it spawns me on top of 0,0,0 now. weird

Hi, you can’t disable Satchel from using CoreGui and you need to use Satchel:SetBackpackEnabled() due to limitations with CoreGui.

As for the spawn location changing I have no idea as to why as Satchel doesn’t touch anything close to CFrame or such. If you can message me a repo file I’ll look into it.

No the roblox backpack not satchel.