Evolving Hangout Game

Heya everyone, I wanted to advertise my simple hangout game, right now there’s really not much at all which its the whole point!, I want to evolve the game with what the community wants.

( check the social links if interested in voting/suggesting )

Game: [ VOICE CHAT ] simplicity - Roblox


I think for this game a lounge area with like chairs and other stuff would be cool!

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Add a time in game leaderboard.

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Seen it everywhere, don’t really see a purpose for it , but I will still think about it

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sounds like a nice idea, i did think about seats n stuff

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the purpose is a sence of achievement players will have for on it and they will get competitive and play your game longer

I understand that!, i meant personally I dont find purpose in it, Its a hangout game rather than a farming game, I dont want to make people have a reason to play other than to hangout :)!

Thats not a bad idea. It doesn’t have to be obnoxious, like floating over their head or anything. But if hanging out is the only thing you can do, players might enjoy flexing that they’ve hung out more than someone else, and the other person may be inspired to hang out more to catch up, haha.

Could just be something in the leaderstats or hidden somewhere.


I get the whole point of it, I really do I guess I’ll do something more original than just a simple leaderboard?

maybe instead of a regular leaderboard you could make it a ScreenGUI that the player can open by pressing Tab or something, this would also stop people from crowding near the leaderboard.

true, I wanted to instead give top 3 or top 5 or maybe even top 10 different hats that evolve the higher you’re in the leaderboard like I did for the donation board.