Exact rotated part

I have two parts:

I want to join them like this but the rotated part should be exactly the same height as the two parts (while also connecting exactly to the sides, pretty much as accurate as possible).

Is there a plugin or other method that can achieve this?

I’d recommend the GapFill plugin. It lets you select two edges and then fills in the area between. https://www.roblox.com/library/165687726/Stravant-GapFill-Extrude-Fixed

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Stravant made a plugin for this called GapFill. I’ll look for the link to it real quick…

edit: @ChipioIndustries beat me to it

The second image was made using GapFill. I wasn’t able to produce the results I wanted. It’s not filling in an area I’m trying to do; the final result will connect to the top edges of both parts while maintaining a consistent height between all three parts

Just so that I can try and understand the question, is this what you want?

Where the arrows with red are (for example) 10 studs, you want the arrow in purple to be the same, while also connecting the two other parts?

Yeah, exactly that

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Maybe do what that plugin does and then change the size X or Y or Z to the height of the other two parts

If you need the Part to match up to all four corners, I think the current angle is impossible to have the same thickness due to it forming a right triangle and Pythagorean’s theorem. I could be wrong though…

I wasn’t sure though so I asked buildthomas (thanks), who said if you changed the angle a bit and allow some overlap at the lesser angles, it would work.

Edit: Here’s another shot at the solution, note the overlap circled