Exactly how much pixels are the per UIStroke Thickness? (Border)

The title says it all.

What is the exact amount of pixels in a UI stroke per thickness?

This is what it looks like when Thickness is 10, and I know that that is way more than 10 pixels, meaning it’s not one Thickness per pixel.

Properties of the UIStroke:

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The documentation says Thickness = This property determines the stroke’s thickness, measured in pixels from the parent’s outer edges.

One thickness value is one pixel

Yes, I know what the thickness is. But, thickness is not measured in pixel but in some other format. My question is; How much is that in pixels?

If it was that obvious, I wouldn’t be making this post.

Thickness is measured in pixels, 1 thickness from the start of the asset, if it was 4 it would be 4 pixels off of the base asset

But the documentation I linked, if you read it, says that Thickness is measured in pixels. Like the exact phrase “measured in pixels”.
Thickness 1 == 1 pixel
Thickness 3 == 3 pixels
Thickness 10 == 10 pixels.

Is there something you are seeing that makes you think that’s no the case?

I edited the original post so you guys can see that 1 thickness is NOT 1 pixel.

i dont think your uistroke is setup properly, can you send an ss of the properties tab

Possibly my Roblox Studio is bugging out or the document is slightly wrong (which is unlikely), but 10 Thickness is not 10 pixels (at least on my screen).

Ok, I edited the original post with the screenshot

can you also add a screenshot of the setup in the explorer tab?

check your dpi, it might be accurate on 96dpi but not others; i can’t verify right now though

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uhh, this might be a stupid question but, what is dpi?

in short it’s a scale for ui elements so that they can appear larger on smaller screens for readability, generally can be observed on laptops

Hold on, isn’t DPI mouse-related

sort of; it stands for dots per inch and is used for both measuring screens and mouse sensitivity, think of it as hz being used for both refresh rate and audio sample rate

my uistrokes are definitely in pixels.

This is a SURFACE ui. it has a property that is pixelsperstud. that’s way it appears this way, pixelsper stud is usually on 50.

No, that is a ScreenGUI . . . . . . .