Issue Type: Other Impact: Low Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-02-04 16:02:00 (-05:00) Date Last Experienced:
Reproduction Steps:
Start up a test server (not Play Solo) and click the leaderboard and examine an avatar. This will result in an error in the output.
Expected Behavior:
There should be no error but the intended feature should prompt open the examine avatar correctly, preferably of your own avatar like Play Solo.
Actual Behavior:
There is an output of an error immediately upon clicking “Examine Avatar”
This errors because these generic players don’t have an account on Roblox, similar to guest accounts before they were removed. These players instead have placeholder account IDs that do not refer to valid Roblox profiles (I believe they’re negative numbers).
I mean, I don’t know if that’s the best way to go about it, but since you’re examining their avatar, why doesn’t roblox use CharacterAppeareanceId’s instead?