Executr - A Simple Executor And UI Visualizer


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Gamepass Handler

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How is this any different to the “Reload Script” button in Studio? I’m curious

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I’m fairly certain they’re about to realize that that exists

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Wait does that actually work :skull: i’ll go see if it does, but i think i might’ve wasted my time on this script :frowning: welp, it doesn’t matter, it was a fun little project to work on, plus it’s faster for me to reload like this.

Works just fine. And on the 1 in 1000 times that it doesn’t, I just cut and paste the modulescript. fixes it too.

Well thats neat, i’ll see if there’s any other features i could add to this that’ll make it more useful, thanks for letting me know.

Perhaps you can use the script to do UI hotfixing; there is no native support for that yet.

Hmm, that sounds interesting, but i’ve never heard of it before, could you elaborate?

Automatically refreshing a UI based on script changes, so you do not need to playtest to see them.

so like being able to visualize UI created from a script without playtesting? or update the UI based on a script that modifies it? sorry if I’m misunderstanding.

oh btw, i can’t seem to find the reload script button using the new studio UI, so i guess there’s another rare reason for this plugin to exist :coefficients: (btw i updated the script to actually reload modules in the correct order now :D)

DO NOT USE THIS RIGHT NOW!! IT CURRENTLY HAS A BUG THAT COULD DELETE YOUR WORK!! I’ll try re-writing the plugin soon anyways, so please don’t use this right now.

Quick Announment

ModReload has been discontinued, and is being remade into Executr, a plugin allowing for easy script execution.

I’ve made this plugin for the main purpose of a auto-save feature, so if you happen to delete the roblox folder to re-install studio for whatever reason, your snippets will be safe!

And, as per @ExercitusMortem’s suggestion, i’ll be trying to implement a UI visualizing system, please leave suggestions on what else i could add to it to make it standout! - KingBlueDash