Exo-Suit made in Studio! [Rthro]

So I made an Exo-Suit in studio, I’ve been trying to do this suit few years ago but for R15, but I don’t really have enough skill and motivation to finish it. Now, I finally did it! And it’s on Rthro! :]

Exo-Suit 2017:

Exo-Suit 2020:

I’m just really happy to share it to you guys! And I’m proud of myself! Have a nice day people! :]


Well done! This looks really well made. :+1:

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Good work with the model, keep progressing!

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Thank you soooo much!! Have a nice day! :]

Thank youuu!! I will! Have a nice day! :]

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All I can say is wow. That looks so awesome dude. The amount of detail you put into those suit is crazy! I love this type of stuff!

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Thank you so muchhh! More Rthro stuff soon! :]