Expanding Assistant to Modify Place Content [Beta]

THIS IS INSANE, AMAZING CHANGE GENTLEMEN!!! I can’t wait to try it out!


This is incredible. The amount of time I’ll save with just having Assistant clone objects at specific distances and place items on the ground is insane!
I’m extremely excited to see the future of this feature and how it’ll continue to make Roblox Studio easier and convenient.

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I asked the AI if he can insert a model from the toolbox to see what it will say…Started generating and studio crashed faster than my jaw lol


Also it seems it’s doing it’s job but it forgot to use the selection
Does it not remember the previous messages or does it prefer to ignore them?

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Thanks for bringing this up! I did some testing and it looks like Assistant is not aware of the documentation for WeldConstraints. We will work on fixing this


Right now, when I’m highlighting the code that I want it to review, it says I need to share the code with it yet it can explain the same code perfectly well when it doesn’t get asked to. I’m also sad how you can’t send long scripts now either, which you could do before.


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That’s the main problem with AI, they’re just gonna ask “oh can you make a killbrick script” instead of actually understand how any of this works.

Relying on AI will mean their skills will worsen. Also it just feels dirty no? The fact that you’re using code that you never even made.


these tasks are quite simple to do through the command bar though, the assistant is likely to slip up more than you would (if you are an experienced developer) and make some sort of mistake. since it’s still not 100%.

then it could be difficult to realise what that mistake was, that’s why I recommend just handling most of these tasks yourself. especially since they are simple.

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you’re exactly right. This is being disguised as an innovative learning tool, when in reality it’s all a marketing scheme (most of ai is) that’s actively risking our future programming jobs for some money in return

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If AI does ever get to a point where it does replace scripters in the future (definitely how roblox wants it to be), first they will lose all the developers who actually know the skills.

Second, there are gonna be so many random kids making games to the point where roblox simply won’t have enough money to pay everyone.

Once that happens, chaos will inflict.

There’s a reason youtube bots shadowban AI generated videos, i’m so confused why roblox are instead pushing for AI. Even youtube, a greedy corporation, has more sense than roblox.

I’m glad someone like you actually has the same thought process as I do.

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I definitely agree with you on the market oversaturation. The game library’s already riddled with trash games as is - allowing people to make games without learning the skills and having that kind of commitment can’t end well

you make a great point about youtube as well, its crazy that the platform infamous for bad changes still takes the win in this case. roblox really needs to reevaluate who they’re advocating for

thanks for your insight on this situation, im also glad there’re some sensible people here like you

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Likely true… we learn slower with Ai… but at least we can get some good stuff done now… and not struggle for eons … or worse … quit.
It’s not like scripters are easily approachable (esp for partnerships)… or bugging them for help with 50-100 lines of code… coz it’s never just 1 script.
That’s why Ai is welcomed… & is improving very fast as well.

You can’t freeze innovation. Sadly for coders… Adapt or Die ?
I’m sure there are many things we use daily … that we all didn’t make either… that’s life.

Sometimes this feature is a little annoying because it modifies things when I don’t ask it to
Me: Can u help me fix this error in this script?
AI: Sure! (Summary of my script and solution to my problem then:) Inserting script into Script…
AI: (ai apology words here)

Note: This was just an example of what happened not the literal thing

you shouldn’t be struggling for eons, especially if you’re learning code efficiently

Clearly a programmer and UI designer has a say in the usefulness of a tool meant for builders.

In my non-professional opinion… that’s called a:
Skill Issue

Right now, when I ask Roblox Assistant to do a job inside Roblox Studio without creating a script, it does it anyways. Seems as though I cannot ask AI Assistant to participate in jobs inside studio without it annoyingly creating a separate script to participate in such actions.

For example, I’ve directly asked AI assistant to insert NumberValues in each type of every certain object, but all it does is create a separate script for it:



This is on the contrary, to what this announcement post says the assistant can now do within studio?