Expanse: Skirmisher Test Weekend

Expanse: Skirmisher is looking for feedback and a large test group for this coming up weekend. We have recently been working on balancing the ships and other content in-game to create a more skill-oriented game, but in order to finalize these changes we require a proper audience to help figure out what we need to tweak along with a proper bug test as normal. For future reference, E:S is typically open every, or every other, weekend for public testing.

For more information on E:S, please refer to this post: Expanse; Skirmisher [Update Log and Info] 5/8/2019

The Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/1179993450/Skirmisher-Space-Dogfighting
The Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2635136 1

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