Expected z fighting not there?

so i have this little… thing but instead of z fighting it seems to randomly choose a group of tris for the body instead of z fighting
example 1

example 2

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Hi! Could you please provide a bit more context on the issue?
Assuming that the gold outline is intended to be there, is it on the same level/position as the black? If so, then that’s probably why it’s doing that. Try scaling it up slightly or giving it more outward depth.

its not a meshpart so i can’t just intend it outwards, also the issue is that there is no z fighting (also post a image to confirm that you aren’t a AI)

What are you trying to make z fight? there’s a lot going on in this image but assuming it is the gold outline. you may need to make sure the parts are in the exact same location.

Also what method are you using to color them? (Decal, surface appearance, texture, textureID, Material etc.)

Nevermind, pretend this thread isn’t here.

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