Experience join time taking much longer than usual

@alphavoyager @Subcritical_alt

Since version 0.647.0.6470717 the situation has slightly improved for me: I’m able to join and play so long as I choose an almost empty server, but as soon as the server starts to fill up things start to break again

I checked the performance stats and noticed that the ping still seems to spike to very high numbers, but the frequency and severity depends on the number of players present and current activity. When the server is almost empty and experiencing a period of inactivity the ping is very stable and matches how it was before this issue started

I haven’t done any changes to my network or network configuration that could explain why the situation has improved, all I did was download the latest update for the player

Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, I’m looking forward to being able to play Roblox as I was able to before this problem began :grin: