Experience join time taking much longer than usual

Since Roblox Player updated to version 0.617.0.6170654, (currently 0.624.0.6240521 and still happening) most games are taking an unusually long time to load, to the point where checking the console when available reveals that client scripts start to timeout

Here is a video I’ve recorded of this issue occurring:

In the video, I first show an example of a game that isn’t affected by this bug, which I play twice to show consistency in the load time. Afterwards, I play a game which is affected by the bug. Before the update, loading the second game used to take about the same time as the first game, but now sometimes it even takes up to 2 minutes for the game to finish loading

The pattern to which games are affected seems to be random from what I can tell

I haven’t made any changes to my networking setup before or after this issue started to occur, and my network seems to be working ok in general

I managed to make an important discovery today that I suspect is strongly related to this issue, which I’m unfortunately still experiencing in the latest update. I managed to join one of the games affected, and I open the performance profiler to check to see if I could spot anything unusual, and to my surprise: the ping was at an extremely high value of 6000ms and consistently stayed at a high value throughout the entire session. I don’t experience issues with ping when playing other multiplayer games unrelated to Roblox, typically being around 50ms, so I don’t understand what might be causing the Player to experience such an issue

Unfortunately even though I followed the steps provided to generate a dump for the microprofiler, the file isn’t being created within the logs folder. I tried reopening the File Explorer and refreshing the page, but the html dump file still didn’t show up. As to provide as much information as possible in-order to help, I captured a screenshot of the microprofiler (the data shown is for the frame with the most activity, and I apologise for the quality since HDR messed with the screenshot):

System Info:

Windows 11 Home 23H2 Build 22631.3296

Log/dump files were attached to the internal ticket by a Roblox Staff (@Focia19), due to the sensitive information they may contain, will not be shared publicly!


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Thanks! Can you run the following command in the command prompt

curl "https://games.roblox.com/v1/games?universeIds=79301772" --verbose

and check if you get an error like InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x800092012) - The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate? If so, can you post the error to the bug PM and do the same as Teleports / joins temporarily hang on certain devices - #10 by Subcritical_alt?


Hi, following up to see if you’ve had a chance to try ^?

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I replied with the results in the original bug PM I sent to Bug-Support but mentioned your @name to notify you. The error did show up when running the command in Command Prompt, and the only certificate present in the Current User > Personal > Certificates folder is one named NVIDIA GameStream Server. I also sent a DxDiag file as requested :slight_smile::+1:

By the way, thank you for your help so far, I appreciate it :grin:

Just-in-case I’ve just sent a copy of the message containing the info to the Bug-Files group as well

We think disabling a flag might fix the issue. Can you create a folder next to the Roblox player executable called ClientSettings and create a file in it named ClientAppSettings.json? It should be somewhere like …/Roblox/Versions/version-xxxxxxxxx/ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json. Set the JSON file’s contents to

    "DFFlagVideoCaptureServiceEnabled": false

Does the issue still happen for you then? Or is it fixed? This should work for both the player and Studio.


The issue still persists, unfortunately

I seem to be getting this whenever I teleport.

My game uses a “hub” that the player joins which then teleports them to the main game.
I’m finding that it takes substantially longer through the roblox exe in comparison to the windows app to teleport because it freezes for a few seconds during leaving to teleport and then also when joining the second place.

I’ve also noticed that the window will go completely white for a few seconds.

How long it takes with the roblox exe (about 50 seconds from play to teleport finish)
Roblox (gyazo.com)

How long it takes with the roblox windows app (about 17 seconds from play to teleport finish):
Roblox (gyazo.com)

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I installed the windows app to check whether the issue is present (thank you for suggesting this btw :grin::+1:), but oddly enough it kept crashing whenever I tried to launch it. No error messages or notifications showed up when it did so, it just launches, waits around 2 seconds, then crashes. I tried restarting my PC, waiting a bit, then reinstalling the app but the same issue still happened unfortunately

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This issue is still happened, the join time even takes so long that I got this error message if this help
Sadly I don’t have any repro and it’s very random
I can send logs in DM if needed


It’s even happening to @Luck_PvP1 , he can’t join the Innovation Awards
(He can’t talk since he’s new member on the dev forum)


Since the latest updates, join time has thankfully improved, but I’m still experiencing issues with abnormally high ping, which are causing games to either outright break or exhibit annoying/undesirable behavior

I also noticed that the severity of the ping issue seems to depend on the amount of players present, with quiet servers (low player count (roughly 5 or less)) resulting in a more tolerable experience

Sad to report that it has gotten worse since the latest update (0.635.0.6350588). I hope I’m not being rude, but I’d greatly appreciate an update about this issue. It’s been a while since I was able to enjoy playing games on Roblox without things taking over 6 seconds to replicate :sweat_smile:

@Subcritical_alt It has gotten much worse since update 0.636.1.6360627: Games are completely failing to load (as in, I get stuck in “joining server”) unless I happen to join an empty server :slight_frown:

Hi JohnyLegoking,

I wanted to check if the problem you reported persists. Earlier, we were investigating some issues with join and teleport, but those are resolved now. If it persists, can you provide fresh player logs, profiler logs/video/snapshot, and ICMP ping from your machine to roblox sever?

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Hello alphavoyager,

I’m currently on holiday, so I don’t have access to the PC that’s experiencing the issue. I’ll make sure to report back as soon as possible, though. Thank you :slight_smile::+1:

@alphavoyager Sad to report that I’m still unable to join almost all games as of version 0.639.0.6390692. I’ve just sent a message to the Bug-Files group with up-to-date (taken today) diagnostic information, although unfortunately I’m unable to use the MicroProfiler since the escape menu is unable to open when I’m experiencing the issue

Roblox takes much longer to open from the site after v628/629 - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox

Could you look at this topic as well? Might be related, although my issue doesn’t occur with teleports.

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To anyone having this issue, disabling or uninstalling SteamVR entirely fixed this issue for me. Worth a shot if you’re still dealing with it.

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Although I appreciate your help, I’ve never installed SteamVR (I’ve also checked to make sure that it isn’t installed, just-in-case), so something else is causing the issue in my case

@alphavoyager @Subcritical_alt
Unfortunately, the problem persists as of version 0.642.0.6420636. I’ve also yet to receive a reply regarding the most recent message I sent to the Bug-Files group with the diagnostic information :sweat_smile:

Hi @JohhnyLegoKing

I reviewed the logs you provided. Only one of the logs contained information about a Game join. The join was initiated at 2024-09-28T07:34:24.611 and completed at 2024-09-28T07:34:25.709Z, taking 1.098 seconds. I have to theorize the following two possibilities.

  1. The logs captured were not when the problem was reproduced, which also means the problem is not reproducing consistently.
  2. You do not have any problem connecting to game servers, but some other local player device issue is causing the effect that you are observing.

On an aggregate level, we have not seen any network issues reported recently, and our internal analytics show no issue with players connecting to servers.

At this point, we don’t have any evidence that can point to a longer game join time.

Thank you for the logs and responses.

I’m still experiencing the issue, though. It’s been quite a while now since I’ve been able to play effectively any game on Roblox (except if they were created by myself, oddly enough) :slight_frown:

I’m able to play multiplayer games unrelated to Roblox on the same device without any issues, and I was able to play Roblox games quite well before update 0.617.0.6170654 was released. I promise that I didn’t make any changes to my network or network settings either at the time this issue started, or afterwards

If it’s not a networking issue on Roblox’s end, could it be an issue with the loading screen getting stuck at “joining server”? Maybe something is preventing it from being removed properly, even if the game finishes loading

I’m experiencing the same issue almost every time when I’m joining specified games (usually TSB). The loading screen gets stuck and everything becomes gray, then after 3-5 seconds it vanishes. But it’s not happening every join, as I said, only after a few joins or in a specified time. I think it’s a client-side issue.

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