Experience Revenue From Commissions Dropping

Hello, me and a couple of other creators of Avatar Shops have noticed a huge drop in revenue this past day, my friend tested if he would get revenue by buying a random item in his game, but he didn’t. He then leaves the group and do the same thing, but this time he received it. (The 2nd & 3rd images below)

So I’m guessing Roblox made it so that you can only get revenue from players that AREN’T in your group, which i find quite unnecessary? I have over 280,000 member inside my group so this is gonna be very damaging. I’d really appreciate this getting fixed as soon as possible.

(As far as i know this only concerns groups)


They might just be trying to prevent people from doing the '40% method". the 40% method is to an extent theft. You are stealing robux from developers in doing so, especially when you buy gamepasses or UGC items.

But this shouldn’t be the solution they come up with. This is damaging others with big groups.

Can you elaborate a bit on when it doesn’t give the expected robux?

Basically, i have over 280k members inside my group, and if any of them join the game and buy anything inside the game, i wouldn’t get revenue.

Do the purchases still show up in the Revenue → Sales listing of the group? (If they do, they may be listed as 0 payout).

They do show up in the analytics page, but they never show up in pending

I have the same issue. Is the solution to wait and see what ROBLOX says about it and merge the game into your profile for now?

And on a random irrelevant side it, what do you do for traffic on your game? TikTok, etc, I’ve made a few avatar games of my own but I’m only getting a few hundred vidits

i’ve gotten this problem too but it affects everyone who purchases something from the group game and not only group members in my case. the only time i get pending robux is when someone purchases their accessories from the game under my account instead of my group. hope roblox fixes this