Experience Search broken

We have a game with just over 1.3M plays that brings in regular amounts of players. In the past few weeks we have noticed a drop in the number of players which directly correlates to the game dropping down the rankings when searched by keyword.

This happens via both web and app searches. The keyword is Poop, and yes it is a silly poop game.

However, the games that appear in the search list before our game are not related to poop at all. Example screenshot:

Our game would regularly appear as either first or second in the search. Now we have lots of other games before us, that have no words related to the search term.

For whatever reason, I can’t raise a Website Bug topic, so hoping someone will see this here.

Is anybody else affected by the same thing?

It’s probably not a bug since most of these games have tags in their description. Basically, random words that makes it so the game appears if you search that word.

I was starting to wonder why we started to see more players on a daily basis. Well it looks like Roblox has fixed their Experiences Search.

We have gone back to 3rd place on a keyword search. Player count has gone from a sad low of1.5k per to day to over 6k per day.

Thank Roblox for finally fixing it. Please don’t break it again.