Experience Update previews are outdated

Currently, the previews for what your experience update will look like across different platforms are outdated, showing an old version of the notification UI with misleading truncation.

The purpose of these previews was to show you what your update would look like in Notifications on different platforms, taking into account the truncation that each platform might apply to your update text.

However, it seems that experience updates are no longer truncated on different platforms, yet the preview suggests otherwise. I kept assuming that updates still got heavily truncated on phones because of what the preview showed, however this does not actually appear to be the case anymore.

What experience updates actually look like in Notifications

The UI here is completely different to what the previews show, with absolutely no truncation.


Chrome (Desktop, Windows 10)


Universal app (Desktop, Windows 10)

Universal app (iOS, iPhone SE 3)

Expected behavior

The experience update previews should not show outdated UI with misleading truncation.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/UNIVERSE_ID/updates