Hi there guys,
Something when developing on Roblox that is always heavily overlooked is Project Management. Do you really have the time or expertise to manage a development group, community or task? The simple answer for some of you, is no. You need someone with heavy experience, like myself, to ensure you hit deadlines, stay within budgets and dont have any slackers! The main area of focus of a project manager is to:
1) Remove Any Barries You May Face During Your Project
2) Ensure The Project Runs Smoothly And Has The Desired Outcome
3)Take Weight Off Your Shoulders As An Owner
Project Management Definition
Project management refers to the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives according to the project acceptance criteria within agreed parameters. Project management has final deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget.
So, what would I do for you on a day to day scale?
Project Management - On day one, I will assess what needs to be done and draw up a plan of action. I will see which way to approach your project would prove most beneficial, and then ask for your approval. I would then monitor the progress of the project, the hiring of staff/developers, the use of resources and much much more. I will track the progress of the project by using helpful tools (which I cannot mention here), ensureing that everyone knows the task at hand. Remember, communication is key!
Community Management - I can manage your community, due to my vast knowledge of apps such as discord. I canbuild servers, add complex bots or just keep them engaged. I can asses metrics, and host polls to see what the community really wants from you as a developer. Also, the community of your game is just as important to me as it is you, so ensuring there are no bugs or glitches by deploying testers is another key factor in which I can manage.
Event Management - Perhaps you need me for a short term event, finding influencers or perhaps being the heart of the task. I can, again, be tasked with making sure you obliterate your deadline/budget/project. But my work goes far beyond that, as after the event we can assess what went well, and what we would not do again. This is not only valuble data to you, but it can be used to your advantage next time you wish to host an event.
I am a valuble asset to your game creation journey and have proven success!
Well, what experience do you have?
Manager and CEO OF UGCEES (51,000 members) UGCEES - Roblox
- Manager of a well known youtuber (70,000 Subscribers, Enquire for more info)
- Manager of a discord community (20,000 members)
- Vast knowledge in how to operate Project Management tools
- (Talent Hub Portfolio - Creator Hub - Talent )
By choosing me, you are not only securing full management of you project, but also a valuble business partner that can excel your ideas and wishes.
So, why hire me?
You are not just investing in me to ensure your project gets completed. You are investing in me to remove roadblocks, ensure maximum efficiency within your project and to hire the right people - all under the confinements of a budget and deadline.
Lets get talking, discord is in same as user