Experienced scripter to create anti-exploit

Hi, my game is constantly being attacked by exploiters. I need someone who can fabricate an anti-exploit that can stop exploiters from doing simple exploits such as changing walk speed, flying, right grip weld, etc. In addition to that, I am in need of something to stop the exploiters from crashing servers [spamming remotes, spamming chat remote, or whatever they do]. I am willing to pay up to 5.3K ROBUX excluding marketplace fees.

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100% Of this script was made by GetGlobals

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

function GetPlayerByWeld(WeldObject)
	if not WeldObject then return nil end
	for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if v.Character and WeldObject.Part0 and WeldObject.Part0:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
			return v

	if Object:IsA("Weld") and Object.Name == "RightGrip" then
		local Player = GetPlayerByWeld(Object)
		local WeldCount = 0
		if Player then
				if Object.Parent ~= nil and not Object:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character) then
			for i,v in pairs(Object.Parent:GetChildren()) do
				if v:IsA("Weld") and v.Name == "RightGrip" then
					local Owner = GetPlayerByWeld(v)
					if Owner and Owner == Player then
						WeldCount = WeldCount + 1
			if WeldCount > 2 then

Once again; Not made by me, But there was a similar post and I thought I’d share what I found.

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What is a right grip weld and how does it affect your game? I’ve never heard of that one before. If you don’t mind sharing, I’m wondering because knowing what that is to counter it would be really helpful, especially if it harms the player experience.

Apparently an exploiter can spam welds and it will be replicated to server causing it to crash somehow but I’m not too sure if this exploiter for me is doing this but I’ll patch up anything that can cause the server to crash.

Thanks! I have put it in my game and I will see if theres any difference.

Right-Grip exploit was actually patched by roblox not too long ago so this wouldn’t be a problem.

For stopping the other exploits you mentioned, there are a great amount of resources that can explain how to create something like this way better than I can. I’ve listed a few below but go ahead and research on your own if these don’t help you solve your problems.

If you’d put this in the recruitment section you’d probably get people to work for you.

Oh, I had a draft here but I continued it on recruitment and I thought it posted there. How would I move the thread?

I’m new to the DevForums, so forgive me if I make a mistake here.

Probably reposting it or adding the recruitment section to the post? Not entirely sure though.

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Please create a new topic in #collaboration:recruitment which follows the About the Recruitment category guidelines. Scripting support is for getting support, not hiring people.