Experiences Giving Error 500

I have been constantly getting error 500 when clicking onto games. Games also all show with a :no_entry_sign: icon as well and showing I do not have access to them
Trying to open the games in another tab brings up the error here

I am unable to play games on the web at all due to this issue. The application’s home page also is completely blank outside of friends and I have to look up the games I want to play or go onto profiles of creators through the app

This doesn’t affect the charts or search page on the application specificially

Expected behaviour

I expect to not have any error 500 messages as well as the home page on the application be shown with all the proper sorts



Yeah, I’m trying to join some games here and all it does is say “waiting for available server” slop. I’ve been here waiting for like 10 minutes to join.

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I’m experiencing the same issue with places, also datastores are failing with error 500 for me.

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yup, datastores not working, game in studio is broken :frowning:

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Same issue, datastores down, marketplaceservice down, userInfo API down. Surprisingly, memorystores are fine

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cant join any games and loading game pages gives 500

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Same issues as all of you. Are ROBLOX services dying at the moment?

roblox veterans after roblox has minor server issues: (they are getting flashbacks)


I guess the servers are delaying or smth, my game just loaded

having issues with datastoreservice throwing error 500 too!

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how are we supposed to feed our family and kids when roblox is down?? do you know what 2 minutes without roblox does to a man???


time to grab some popcorn and watch the complaints roll in

3-4 bug reports made so far. legend says each status update multiplies it

Seems like datastores are working right now :+1:

This was a result of the recent outage and has now been resolved.

It seems to be resolved on my end

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