Experiences missing from Discover and Home

I don’t know if this has anything to do with this but place visits have mysteriously disappeared


Probably with time they will be able to find a solution to this.

Yeah I cant see any place visits on people’s profiles.

Its happening to me to:

im just hanging on in studio praying that it doesnt crash on me while i cant save :blush:


Studio seems to work, I managed to publish my game while it was down.

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Do you have autosave on? Autosave should make sure all your progress saves.

thank goodness, i got publish and save failure messages the first few times.
time to try again~

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If it doesn’t work, just wait, you probably wont get exited out. Make sure to make a backup or auto recovery file.

yes, just being paranoid. im sure auto recovery would bail me out but i like to be safe just in case :sweat_smile:

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This is killing studio and games player count. Glad I didn’t start sponsoring right now :flushed:

Studio just shows a bunch of baseplates for me, and the website shows me zip.

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I can totally agree with you on this one. I’m always a bit paranoid when saving progress on a game.

ive got no way of knowing whether it’s silently failing to publish, but i didnt get an error message so thats a good sign.
not leaving for the life of me though-

Its happening to me to, but It loads sometimes, other times not.

Experiences have not stopped loading completely on the front page; after 6 refreshes the following experiences managed to load.

(Upon refreshing once more everything vanished again).

Edit: Roblox seem to have acknowledged the issue.


Seems to be back up and running, though performance with the loading of webpages is quite slow. Took about 15-20 seconds to load the play button: https://gyazo.com/e0ee2cce6462906e24e71d6b825679a2

Edit: It’s quite disorderly in loading and could range from anywhere from 15 seconds to like 45+ seconds to load.

Check this:

can’t, no pages load still unfortunately.
i did get a confirmation message in output so I’m much less worried about it now.

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Buts its not loading well.

Should be fixed now, reload your browser.

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