we need sword fights on the heights in csgo or cs2 that would go actually crazy
yeah when
I love the part where Roblox made this decision with small game creators and the developer community as a whole in mind. This is honestly wild, and I hope Roblox reconsiders.
Someone needs to create a hashtag like #SaveTheMarketplace or #SaveDevelopers oh my god.
as if the community wasn’t toxic and bigoted enough already
Judging by this comment here - It mentions “Roblox’s items” and “Off-sale avatar items”.
What if an NPC in my game is wearing some 2D clothes, and suddenly one day those clothes go offsale? Am I supposed to just check every single day to make sure the clothes haven’t been randomly taken offsale? My game has hundreds of NPCs in it, how am I supposed to check every single one of them every single day, just to make sure they’re not accidentally wearing something that’s offsale?
Additionally, in the upcoming UGC update (which is also bad, and should be reconsidered) it is mentioned that all existing UGC items will eventually be forced to turn into “flexible stock” items, meaning creators will have to actively pay robux to restock their items, else they will be sold out and essentially “offsale”. Was this possible problem ever considered?
I don’t think usage of Roblox’s own items should be restricted for developers. I can understand how this change is supposed to help UGC creators get more sales from games or whatever, but what about games that use Roblox items? For example:
- Games like Piggy, which use this offsale Roblox bundle?
- Obbies, which have a gravity coil at the end of them (which is a gear made by Roblox?)
And how are games supposed to comply with this change in such a short amount of time?? We have just ONE week to replace all potentially offending accessories/clothes in our games. Why the short timeframe, considering that with other policy updates, there was much more notice? With the audio update we had like a month or two to update all affected audios, and with the change to depictions of unplayable gambling, games had like three months from announcement to enforcement of the change.
At this point, honestly, I feel like giving up on developing games on this platform given the amount of poor updates lately, (UGC changes and now this) I wouldn’t be surprised if Roblox was to introduce another update next week charging users 0.20 robux every single time someone played their game at this rate /s /j
Please reconsider this update. Or at the very least give us more time to adapt our games.
Bro this is the dumbest update ever!
Are the moderators on this topic anonymized too now. Wtf…
Better yet, TF2 V-Script map. Speaking of, I might take up TF2 Mapping thanks to this. Using the Hammer Editor would be more enjoyable then developing on this platform now.
What is this rubbish? We don’t want this.
#SaveUGC as well, because giving only 10% to the people that worked hard on the items published to the marketplace is literally giving them nothing!
Yeah, I want to know this as well. I specifically use Roblox-made items in our game. We have specific playable characters with specific looks. They cannot choose the items to equip but instead choose an entire character. But these characters use Roblox-made hats specifically. Would really like some clarification.
Nah, don’t move to Unity. We all know what happened with it.
This update is worse than the audio update.
i love cta
it would be funny if roblox would have to shut this down because of the amount of shittery in here lmao
If they do make these changes im happily moving to either Hammer Editor or Unreal Engine.
i have an idea guys
lets start posting cat pictures
LOOOOL DUDE THIS IS THE FUNNIEST POST IVE SEEN IN THIS THREAD lowercase lowercase lowercase lowercase
Did Roblox see what Unity was doing and wanted to do something on a similar level of absurdity?