if you guys dont have money, i’ll buy a gamepass so you can get it
Im going to quit if this goes through in any form. Im not sticking around for the 1984 update.
They’re nothing short of arrogant at this point. They need to keep in mind that without developers, Roblox will become basically useless. If they keep pushing these crappy updates, their platform will die. Simple as that. If Roblox wants to stick around to the same degree that they are at today, they should listen to the developers. Listening to your community should be a top priority, especially if you say that you do.
Unless Roblox decides to go old-school and make their own experiences again for all to play. And they can just find more cooperative developers that can tolerate their vision of “the future”.
It’s the sad truth, but Roblox does not care about the developers, nor do they care about the people playing their games.
bro you just joined this year, how can u speak for people from 2019
Bro why did they do Super Why so dirty like that, I remember legit thinking Super Why was real (I was around 6 or 7 at the time, gimme a break). I swear, if the UGC creators who just make copyrighted stuff make some rip-off of Curious George or something like that I’m actually gonna lose it.
ok now I’m really glad they cancelled the update, I would’ve lost it if prison life or murder mystery or tower of hell got deleted
if starscape gets deleted i will be going on a baby rage that would make most two-year-olds at the grocery store jealous of my power
i feel ya there, Roblox tryna delete our freaking childhoods
they already did, but not to this degree
real, I joined in 2018, a time when roblox at least somewhat still had their soul. now it’s just a corporate wasteland of disgusting rthro avatars nobody likes, updates nobody wants, roblox deleting everything nostalgic to us (guests, tix, builders club, events, bacon hairs, the oof sound, the cartoony feel, the list goes on and on)
guests i can live without, tix, i guess they had a somewhat valid reason to remove them… but why did they replace builders club with a walmart version of it
i dunno man, again i joined in 2018, guests and tix were already gone by then, but i’m sure older players than me would happily voice their opinions about guests and tix being removed
if you truly cared you would bring back bacon hairs and not force r15 on us. stop capping and listen to the gosh damned community
little worried we’re straying a bit off topic here
But yeah, I also joined in '18
I never got to experience guests or tix and I never even knew what the builders club icon next to the username meant until after it got removed
but ive heard from some older players that removing guests was probably for the better considering the exploiters and whatnot, but at the cost of legitimately good usernames
Bacon hairs still exist for your information.
they’re just afraid the roblox hq will get burned to the ground if they remove it
i thought they had a new default avatar?
pretty sure those are the new classic faces, bacon’s still around, i think (i hope)
sometime, maybe tomorrow or something when i have more time, maybe i’ll make an account just to test if bacons are still alive or not. hopefully they are tho