Experiencing DDoS Attacks on Our Game Servers

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    We want to protect our game servers from DDoS attacks that are causing disruptions for our players. Additionally, we want Roblox’s team to review the situation and provide further support.
  2. What is the issue?
    Our game servers are experiencing targeted DDoS attacks. These attacks happen intermittently and overload our servers, causing crashes or severe lag. Players are reporting connection issues and sudden server shutdowns. You can see an example of the issue in this video:
    [DDoS Example Video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS9sflGV258) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkbeXQYNiAo)
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
  • We’ve already contacted Roblox Developer Relations and are awaiting a response.
  • We’ve requested to be whitelisted for secured servers to protect against these attacks.
  • We’ve reviewed relevant Developer Hub articles, but there doesn’t seem to be a specific guide for handling this situation.

Furthermore, the attackers have demanded 100,000 Robux or $250 to stop the attacks and “blacklist” us to avoid further disruptions.

Additional Details:
The attacks seem to be organized and require significant investment from the attackers to sustain. We are hoping that Roblox’s team can review the situation and offer further support or solutions. Any advice or guidance on how to protect our servers or improve their resilience would be greatly appreciated.


I would like to reply here but the disturbed vultures who operate those programs will see my response. Check DM. I will try my best to help with this issue :slightly_smiling_face:


Alright thank you!
You contact me in discord: naticsi#7670


quick side note: that is the worst fake “ddos” i’ve ever seen on a youtube video.

i have no doubt that they’re doing something to your game but whatever was in that video… was not it. they were pinging cloudflare’s free dns resolver with 32bytes in the command line for a start :sob:


Their ping is barely spiking :skull:


Don’t think its even possible to do anything without having a backdoor in the game. I don’t think they can just magically crash the server using api request or whatever it was.


(Hidden response so i dont get blacklisted :frowning: )

check ur dms


So how are they able to crash the server? They have so many clients, and even if you send them a random server to test, they’ll still be able to crash it. It’s possible they have a method that’s not even related to the remotes, and they might be using a different approach to overwhelm the server. This isn’t just about API requests; it’s more complex than that. :person_shrugging:


They could be spamming remote events with bots in that server? I’m not really too sure but its probably something to do with IN game where they have a bot join and it starts spamming crap to the server making it crash. They need to be in the game it seems like to work so its something the accounts are doing.


According to the 2 videos, especially the first one, the server crashes way too fast for this to be the case, it looks like to me.

I am not defending the creators, I definitely wouldn’t trust someone who is barely known selling paid malicious services. It looks fake to me considering a game like Roblox would have good servers to hold all the traffic and combat bad actors, but I’m not quite sure of that. And who even are these “attackers” holding OP for ransom?


You could add a check on the server for your remoteevents to detect how fast they’re being spammed. and if they’re being spammed in the first place. You can then log this information and doing this you can find out if it is remoteevnst or not.


Yes that makes sense but I’m not sure of anything else the only other thing I can think of would be a backdoor because if they had access to roblox api they could take huge games down or it could just be fake and they pretending.


They’re probably exploiting a vuln in your game system which can cause server crashing, No one can cause servers to randomly crash by just DDoS it specially on roblox, Try checking for remotes in your game that can lead into server crashing.